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目前最大的网上银行Ing Direct Electric Orange checking account 有以下三大好处 1. Checking account 没有Monthly Fee(无任何限制条件) 2. 没有Overdraft Charge 3. 没有异行取款的ATM Surcharge fee 4. 连接自有的其他银行账户,比如chase, BOA等,方便账户划拨 申请点击 http://bit.ly/xchE2U 只需要在开户的45天内完成3笔银行卡消费或Person2Person Payments 就可以拿到这个 免费的50刀了。 Open Electric Orange and make a total of 3 Card purchases or Person2Person Payments (or any combo of the two) within 45 days of account opening. Your $50 bonus will automatically be deposited into your account on day 50. Apply http://bit.ly/xchE2U