yeah, he was a genius. he was a mathematician, wasn't he?
i bought Glenn Gould's The goldberg variations.
love it sooooo much.
strongly recommend it to all bach lovers.
glenn gould performed the romatic side of bach's great works.
i didn't realize it was bach's works at the first time.
do you believe that Gould's recording of C major prelude and fugue
from WTC1 was sent to space in 1971 to represent one of the best salutes
from human? it is true.
here is the editorial reviews
The clear-cut rhyth
When I listened to Glenn Gould 's Goldberg Variation,I was also
totally absorbed
in it.But when I tried his Italian Concerto and paritia, I found they
were not
as good as Goldberg Variation.They lack that kind of energy and power.
So far as Bach 's keyboard woks are concerned,I think Schiff is also a
In a sense, not below Gould.His style is different.And Cds of Schiff
get better
sound effects.I have tried his English suites.The more I listen to it
more I like it.It is straight

【在 S****n 的大作中提到】
: yeah, he was a genius. he was a mathematician, wasn't he?
: i bought Glenn Gould's The goldberg variations.
: love it sooooo much.
: strongly recommend it to all bach lovers.
: glenn gould performed the romatic side of bach's great works.
: i didn't realize it was bach's works at the first time.
: do you believe that Gould's recording of C major prelude and fugue
: from WTC1 was sent to space in 1971 to represent one of the best salutes
: from human? it is true.
: here is the editorial reviews

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