a question about mpi-fortran# Computation - 科学计算
1 楼
I wrote some mpi-fortran code, and I discovered something funny.
Everytime I take the number of grid points to be some power of 2, the program
runs smoothly, and produces good results. But if I take the number to be
something else, the program will be terminated after running for a while.
Here # of grid points = # of processors \times # of subroutines run on each
processor, and the execution of each subroutine is completely independent, and
the only mpi commands I use are simply mpi_scatter and
Everytime I take the number of grid points to be some power of 2, the program
runs smoothly, and produces good results. But if I take the number to be
something else, the program will be terminated after running for a while.
Here # of grid points = # of processors \times # of subroutines run on each
processor, and the execution of each subroutine is completely independent, and
the only mpi commands I use are simply mpi_scatter and