我抗议!Re: 兄弟们用MATLAB都不读帮助文档的吗?
我抗议!Re: 兄弟们用MATLAB都不读帮助文档的吗?# Computation - 科学计算
matlab 的help 文件再好,也档不住它土。
就是用hue 和 luminance来表示2-d information的图。
BTW, compared to some other 4-th generation language matlab has it's disadvantages,
[a, b] = [1, 2]
is not allowed I guess. It will be convinient if more things can be used as left hand expression.
It is interface with other language is not that convinient either. (So so, just too much caution. Can be good or bad.)
And it is not easy to find the things you want in help, it is a huge document,
I did not say MATLAB is good or not.
If you want to use MATLAB, read its documents.
by the way, if you can not find the correct key word, that means
you are not familiar with linear algebra, at least.
but, as your question,I have not idea.
To me, Matlab is good before I code in C or Fortran.
Forget to say, my major is Chemistry, I am working on
solid state NMR, which need a lot of simulation/computation.
Too much things we need know, right?

【在 m**i 的大作中提到】
: matlab 的help 文件再好,也档不住它土。
: 再说这个板这么冷清,有点水也没什么。
: 问个简单的,怎么画那种彩图,
: 就是用hue 和 luminance来表示2-d information的图。
: BTW, compared to some other 4-th generation language matlab has it's disadvantages,
: e.g.
: [a, b] = [1, 2]
: is not allowed I guess. It will be convinient if more things can be used as left hand expression.
: It is interface with other language is not that convinient either. (So so, just too much caution. Can be good or bad.)
: And it is not easy to find the things you want in help, it is a huge document,

My Linear Algebra is particularly good. But my english is not.
Anyway, Matlab is good for engineers.

【在 C***S 的大作中提到】
: I did not say MATLAB is good or not.
: If you want to use MATLAB, read its documents.
: by the way, if you can not find the correct key word, that means
: you are not familiar with linear algebra, at least.
: but, as your question,I have not idea.
: To me, Matlab is good before I code in C or Fortran.
: Forget to say, my major is Chemistry, I am working on
: solid state NMR, which need a lot of simulation/computation.
: Too much things we need know, right?
