昨天的lost感觉还是很震惊阿CSI (1) Las Vegasft, 已经有强人解出Mike 给Sara的小纸鹤的秘密了I am so sick of love songs, so tired of tears...trump这次apprentice阵容还挺强大谁看了ALMA award on ABCApprentice update: Carolyn FIRED!!!TiVo stretching into the InternetLost的一个问题TAR'Grey's' Washington: I'm sorry for on-set scuffleResearchers: Homes have more TVs than peopleActor fired from 'Desperate Housewives'美国偶像vs超级女声vs梦想中国 zz (转载)支持randallCBS orders full season of 'Jericho'Ellen Degeneres-Here and Now周末看了PBS的进化论科教片[zt]Tonight's DH is really a "Bang"Gaby is really small