在国内读ds的ms, 以后来美读其phd,各位前辈觉得是条光明道么?
在国内读ds的ms, 以后来美读其phd,各位前辈觉得是条光明道么?# DataSciences - 数据科学
America had a long history of anti-China immigration policy since 1880s.
Between 1880s to 1930s, few ordinary Chinese had the opportunity to live and
work in America and China-US exchange were limited to educated elites (many
thanks to the US inviting and funding China's students in US). After 1930s
, despite close military alliance between the KMT and the USA, the common
people of China remained deeply ignorant of this far-away friend called the
USA. All their first hand experience came from their lessons of trusting
Japan, a modern people and a courteous people, who turned out to be mass
murderers and rapists.
As a result of this hard lesson, the common Chinese lost trust in both
humanity and modernity, and could easily be turned against a far-away
unknown friend like the USA. During 1945-1949, one key incident that
turned into massive demonstrations were the rumored rape of a Chinese girl
by American soldiers. Guess who raped many Chinese women? The Japanese.
The Chinese people were jumpy and angry and still suffered from PTSD of
Japanese occupation, and they did not have enough reason to believe that
Americans are that much different from the Japanese.
Hence, the Chinese-Exclusion-Act probably indirectly contributed to China's
anti-America policy between 1949-1976. The common people of China turned
away from America and the world, they turned inward in hopes of salving
their incredible suffering under the Japanese occupation (20 million dead).
This should illustrate how the world works in strange and unexpected ways.
Back to today, vast overwhelming majority of Americans were good people and
are still good people, trying to make peace and make friends. So are the
vast majority of Chinese. I do not think there's a conspiracy against
Chinese Americans.
But the current foreign policy "Pivot to Asia" is as close to an anti-China
"conspiracy" as tainting the entire Obama Administration
and casting the American role of traditional peace maker in East Asia
into a very suspicious and un-peace-loving light.
This anti-China foreign policy must be renounced and abandoned. It
jeopardizes America's interest and if allowed to continue could escalate
tensions on East Asia and embroil America in a conflict that neither China
and America wants.
国内刚开设了big data方向的ms项目,今年内测,明年外招,想把手上一个top2学校坑
专业的offer丢掉,去读这个,各位前辈觉得好不好呢?这个方向国外发展好么? 翻墙
why not take CS?
why not come to the US directly if you plan to come here sooner or later?