Need help designing a table.# Database - 数据库
1 楼
Need help designing a table.
I need to design an employee-department history tracking table
1. Keep track of when an employee got hired
2. Keep track of when an employee switched departments
within the compnay
3. keep track of when an employee got terminated.
My initial design of the table schema is like this:
EmployeeId int,
DeptId int,
DateStart DateTime,
DateEnd DateTime
Assuming the employeeId is a foreign key of another 'employee'
table, and DeptId is
I need to design an employee-department history tracking table
1. Keep track of when an employee got hired
2. Keep track of when an employee switched departments
within the compnay
3. keep track of when an employee got terminated.
My initial design of the table schema is like this:
EmployeeId int,
DeptId int,
DateStart DateTime,
DateEnd DateTime
Assuming the employeeId is a foreign key of another 'employee'
table, and DeptId is