T-SQL 问题# Database - 数据库
1 楼
CREATE PROCEDURE sp_RandomLettersGenerator
请大家帮我解解迷吧。 谢了。请问为什么First Result below (***** area)
returned NULL, and Second Result returned 0. 怎样才能assign the result from
executing sp_randomLettersGenerator to a variable 啊?谢谢!
( @randomLetters varchar(100) OUT)
Declare @letters1 varchar(100)
Declare @letters2 varchar(100)
set @letters1='qwertyuiopasdfghjklzxcvbnm'
set @letters2='qazwsxedcrfvtgbyhnujmikolp'
select substring(@letters1, cast(round(rand()*10,0) as int), 3)
+ substring(@letters2,
请大家帮我解解迷吧。 谢了。请问为什么First Result below (***** area)
returned NULL, and Second Result returned 0. 怎样才能assign the result from
executing sp_randomLettersGenerator to a variable 啊?谢谢!
( @randomLetters varchar(100) OUT)
Declare @letters1 varchar(100)
Declare @letters2 varchar(100)
set @letters1='qwertyuiopasdfghjklzxcvbnm'
set @letters2='qazwsxedcrfvtgbyhnujmikolp'
select substring(@letters1, cast(round(rand()*10,0) as int), 3)
+ substring(@letters2,