ODBC SQLEndTran problemWhy can't I find the proC compiler?How to insert CURRENT TIMESTAMP into sqlHELP!刚刚在LINUX装好ORACLE9I,不知道如何使用压。Help~~~~please. copy database tables from MSSQL server to Oracle9i DB in red hat linux7.3 能不能贴一下几个范式的详细定义?如何only update the first occurrence in a table再一个Access问题oracle9i install stuck? help[转载] Where to find "Business Objects" to download?Help on install SQL server2000How to migrate a database from one sql server to another?[转载] MySQLwhere is Pro*C OCI stuff in Oracle9i for Linux?安装完ORACLE9I后执行的SCRIPT有什么用呀?大侠们能给我解释下这都指什么吗? about OracleBig problem,need help!Can anyone tell me where to download SQL Server 2000?Help!! Data Access Page in AccessBM, Please mark it. Re: Access VS SQL Server 我应该怎么选择?