Web Seminar Host By Chinese in North America Oracle User Group (CINAOUG) Want to join CINAOUG? http://groups.google.com/group/cinaoug Date: Wed 11/30/2011 Time: 9:00 pm Eastern Time (New York, GMT-04:00) Duration: 1 hour To join the Web Seminar Go to http://www.AnyMeeting.com/cinaoug1 (link might be changed) Seminar access link will be available 15 minutes before the seminar start time. We will use VOIP, no dial-in is required at this time. *** Topic: Introduction to DB2 Presenter: Yonghang Wang Abstract: 1. Introduction of DB2 for Linux, Unix and Windows. 2. How to be a data professional. a) NODBA b) Developer Software engineering... b) Architect c) Not only Relational 3. DBA principals Bio: Yonghang Wang works in a finance service company as DB2 database administrator. He holds several certificates such as IBM Certified Systems Expert, WebSphere Administration, Certificate Java programmer, Microsoft Certified IT Professional (MCITP) and ITIL Certification. Before his current job, Yonghang worked in IBM for 5 years and then work in a bank as lead DBA, managing systems including core banking system which has 30M active customers.