Simple deployment question# DotNet - 窗口里的风景
I am a ASP.NET beginner. Sorry if this question is too naive.
After the application like the default.aspx is done in visusal studio, how
do I make it work on web host like godaddy.com.
I tried simply uploading the file default.aspx and default.aspx.cs to my
root directory and type in the website name .../default.aspx, but it does
not work.
I also uploaded the App_Data folder with my two database files.
I have searched for help, but did not find.
Your help or pointer will be greatly appreciated!!
database need setup at host company
default.aspx probaly you need delete index.html at root folder
Just tried deleting the index.html.
Still does not work.
Below is the error I got:
Server Error in '/' Application.
You need to tell the web server that this is an ASP.NET application. In IIS, go to the properties of your site and there is a ASP.NET tab.
As for godaddy.com, I am not sure how you could get this done...

【在 g*******n 的大作中提到】
: I am a ASP.NET beginner. Sorry if this question is too naive.
: After the application like the default.aspx is done in visusal studio, how
: do I make it work on web host like godaddy.com.
: I tried simply uploading the file default.aspx and default.aspx.cs to my
: root directory and type in the website name .../default.aspx, but it does
: not work.
: I also uploaded the App_Data folder with my two database files.
: I have searched for help, but did not find.
: Your help or pointer will be greatly appreciated!!

What host do you use?
I am pretty upset with godaddy's help and tutorial.

IIS, go to the properties of your site and there is a ASP.NET tab.

【在 s***o 的大作中提到】
: You need to tell the web server that this is an ASP.NET application. In IIS, go to the properties of your site and there is a ASP.NET tab.
: As for godaddy.com, I am not sure how you could get this done...

Did you find anything about setting up an asp.net site in godaddy's help?
A few more suggestions:
1. did you upload the web.config file when you upload your site?
2. Did you use some local paths in your web.config?
3. for testing purpose, don't hook up with any database. Just create a
simple page such as "hello world", upload this page to see if it works.
If it's an website project,right click on the website project and choose
publish(to a local folder),then copy all the output to your destination
server; If it's web application project, just compile it in release mode and
copy the files over.

【在 g*******n 的大作中提到】
: I am a ASP.NET beginner. Sorry if this question is too naive.
: After the application like the default.aspx is done in visusal studio, how
: do I make it work on web host like godaddy.com.
: I tried simply uploading the file default.aspx and default.aspx.cs to my
: root directory and type in the website name .../default.aspx, but it does
: not work.
: I also uploaded the App_Data folder with my two database files.
: I have searched for help, but did not find.
: Your help or pointer will be greatly appreciated!!

1) check if the website is powered by IIS;
2) follow "publish" wizard

【在 g*******n 的大作中提到】
: I am a ASP.NET beginner. Sorry if this question is too naive.
: After the application like the default.aspx is done in visusal studio, how
: do I make it work on web host like godaddy.com.
: I tried simply uploading the file default.aspx and default.aspx.cs to my
: root directory and type in the website name .../default.aspx, but it does
: not work.
: I also uploaded the App_Data folder with my two database files.
: I have searched for help, but did not find.
: Your help or pointer will be greatly appreciated!!

Here is the steps to host asp.net web application on commercial host site:
1. Make sure you purchased windows hosting package. Normally, it is a little
more expensive than the basic plan.
2. Make sure the host support the version of .NET framework you used
developing your application. For instance, if you use Visual Studio 2008, it
requires .Net Framework 3.5, VS2005 2.0, and VS2003 1.1.
3. Normally your host company will have file managment control panel type of
interface, you have to create a

【在 g*******n 的大作中提到】
: I am a ASP.NET beginner. Sorry if this question is too naive.
: After the application like the default.aspx is done in visusal studio, how
: do I make it work on web host like godaddy.com.
: I tried simply uploading the file default.aspx and default.aspx.cs to my
: root directory and type in the website name .../default.aspx, but it does
: not work.
: I also uploaded the App_Data folder with my two database files.
: I have searched for help, but did not find.
: Your help or pointer will be greatly appreciated!!

我在godday上设了好几个网站了,在Visual Studio里开发好从Build菜单里publish到
staging folder, 再ftp上去就行了, 数据库可以用Database Publish Wizard生成
然后通过web页面upload and execute.

【在 g*******n 的大作中提到】
: Thanks.
: Just tried deleting the index.html.
: Still does not work.
: Below is the error I got:
: Server Error in '/' Application.

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