从drugstore买了东东以后,出现以下提示: 问题:我必须到年底时主动补缴这些税吗? 到时候都不记得买过哪些东西了?不主动 补缴的话有什么问题? 多谢。 Self-Reporting Sales Tax What if my state requires me to pay sales tax even though it wasn't charged on my order? Oklahoma, South Dakota, and Vermont each require their residents to file a tax return at the end of each year for all untaxed purchases and to pay the appropriate sales tax on those purchases, if any. The tax may be reported and paid on the individual income tax return or by filing a consumer use return. Colorado requires its residents to file a tax return at the end of each year for all untaxed purchases and to pay the appropriate sales tax on those purchases, if any. The tax may be reported and paid on each state's individual income tax return or by filing a consumer use return. The Federal District Court has suspended the enactment of Colorado HB 1193. Although drugstore.com is not required to give customers summaries of their purchases at this time, customers are still required to file a Consumer Use Tax Return and pay the tax due.