Grassley's opinion on University of Iowa Schoolnewspaper
Grassley's opinion on University of Iowa Schoolnewspaper# EB23 - 劳工卡
University of Iowa is the largest university in Iowa.
Daily Iowan is the University of Iowa newspaper.
Grassley has some words on this newspaper. The articles is located at
Restore integrity of U.S. visa system in order to give graduates more jobs
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With spring just around the corner, many Iowans look forward to seasonal
rites of passage this time of year. Farmers are itching to get in the fields
. Home gardeners anticipate the first shoots of peas and lettuce. Spring
cleaning tops the to-do list for many families. School students give thanks
for spring break. And soon-to-be-college graduates have their sights set on
landing a job.
It's no secret the Class of 2012 needs to break into a job market struggling
to rebound from Wall Street's financial meltdown and the mortgage-industry
mess. The U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics reports the unemployment rate is
idling at 8.3 percent. This year's crop of graduates also will compete with
more than 5 million jobless Americans who have looked for work for longer
than six months.
Yet, the Obama administration has proposed federal rules to "attract and
retain highly skilled immigrants" that arguably increase the competition for
Americans who are looking for work.
Is this really the administration's idea of priming the employment pump?
In Iowa, civic and business leaders work together in their communities to
grease the wheels for economic development. From Council Bluffs to Keokuk,
local economic-development leaders search for ways to attract and keep
businesses. They go to bat for their towns because they know their labor
pool is ready and willing to work.
So flooding the employment market with foreign workers when high-skilled
Americans are seeking jobs at unprecedented levels, just doesn't square with
improving the home-team advantage, let alone fostering a level playing
From my leadership position on the U.S. Senate Judiciary Committee, I have
championed reforms to the nation's immigration and visa laws to better
protect the pool of highly skilled, unemployed U.S. workers and graduates
who struggle to find good-paying jobs here at home.
For example, the H1B visa program was created in 1990 as a temporary measure
to help companies in America find high-technology workers — assuming
specialized workers aren't available in the United States to fill these jobs
. After more than two decades on the books, the program needs better
controls and stronger oversight that will prevent qualified American workers
from being passed over for good-paying jobs.
That's why over the last several years I've introduced an H1B visa reform
bill that would require a good faith recruitment of American workers by all
companies seeking to bring in foreign workers, change the wage requirements
to ensure that visa holders are not undercutting American workers, give more
authority to the Department of Labor to investigate allegations of fraud,
prohibit employers from advertising only to H1B visa holders, and increase
penalties for those who violate the terms of the H1B visa program.
Out-of-work Americans and graduates of the Class of 2012 have enough hurdles
to overcome. The nation's visa system should not undermine their chances of
landing a good-paying job.
Sen. Chuck Grassley,