[合集] USCIS局长今天下午到国会作证(附投诉信全文)
[合集] USCIS局长今天下午到国会作证(附投诉信全文)# EB23 - 劳工卡
Helsinki (跑步然后蛋腚地桑拿) 于 (Wed Feb 15 14:08:55 2012, 美东) 提到:
25%的统计是怎么来的? if he asked only 8 people, and 2 complained, that's 25%.
USCIS Leaders Improperly Pressured Officers to Approve Visa Applications
This week, the Office of the Inspector General released a report that
reveals that senior U.S. Citizenship and Immigration Services (USCIS)
officials are pressuring employees to rubber-stamp applications for
immigration benefits despite questions of fraud or ineligibility. (OIG-12-24
Report, Jan. 2012; The Daily, Jan. 3, 2012) The report is based largely on
a survey of over 250 rank-and-file USCIS officers. (CNN, Jan. 7, 2012)
According to the report, nearly 25 percent of officers surveyed reported
that a supervisor has asked them to approve applications that should have
been denied. (OIG-12-24 Report at p. 16) An overwhelming number, 90 percent,
said they felt they didn’t have sufficient time to complete interviews of
those who seek benefits. (Id.; see also Sen. Grassley Press Release, Jan. 6,
The report also explores several complaints made by USCIS employees of
misconduct by senior officials. For example, several employees claim that
they have been required to approve specific cases “against their will.” (
OIG-12-24 Report at p. 17) Although USCIS policy prohibits such pressure
from senior officials, the report indicates that some USCIS leaders
intimidate subordinates with threats of reprimand into rubber-stamping
applications. (Id. at 18) Other officers complained that “cases are
sometimes taken away from [them] and given to officers who the supervisor
knows will approve [it].” (Id.)Possibly the most alarming complaint of them
all, however, is that agency employees may be threatened with either a
demotion, or the choice between a demotion or a relocation, for not
approving enough applications. (KETK NBC, Jan. 4, 2012)
The report concludes that the speed at which immigration officers “must
process cases leaves ample opportunities for critical information to be
overlooked.” (OIG-12-24 Report at p. 16) The report also indicates that it
takes officers “significantly less time and effort” to approve a case than
it takes to deny the case or take other actions, such as request more
information. (Id. at 15) As such, the report concludes that officers who are
pressed for time “might opt to approve a marginal case and move on to the
next file.” (Id.) Up until 2011, USCIS immigration officers were evaluated
in part on the speed in which they processed applications, inherently
pressuring them to approve benefits requests. (Id., see also Sen. Grassley
letter to DHS Sec. Janet Napolitano, Oct. 14, 2010)
Sen. Charles Grassley (R-IA) requested the Inspector General conduct the
investigation in response to allegations received by his office in 2010 that
leadership was violating agency policy. Specifically, immigration officers
asserted that senior USCIS officials were ordering employees at a California
office to “find a way to get to ‘yes’” in processing visa applications.
They also claimed whistleblower retaliation. (See Sen. Grassley letter to
USCIS Director Alejandro Mayorkas, Sept. 10, 2010; see also Sen. Grassley
letter to Inspector General Richard Skinner, Oct. 14, 2010) According to
allegations made to Sen. Grassley’s office, USCIS employees at the
California office complained that a “visibly agitated” USCIS Director
Mayorkas asked them, “Why would you be focusing on [fraud] instead of
approvals?” (Sen. Grassley Press Release, Oct. 15, 2010) Then, on a
separate occasion at a conference in Virginia, Mayorkas stated that there
are some “managers with black spots on their hearts” within the agency
because they would not approve more applications. (Id.)
In response to the leaked report, USCIS spokesman Christopher Bentley said
the agency's leadership “has consistently reinforced a culture of quality
and integrity to ensure that every case is decided based on the law and the
facts.” (CNN, Jan. 7, 2012) Stay tuned to FAIR for further details…

caoz1 (dsbz1) 于 (Wed Feb 15 14:12:24 2012, 美东) 提到:
Read the letter from Chamber of Commerce, they only surveyed field offices,
which mostly handle FB cases.I think this is a strong rebuttal against the
ardorbird (独自徘徊在天堂与地狱之间) 于 (Wed Feb 15 14:17:01 2012, 美东) 提到:
lassitude (lassitude) 于 (Wed Feb 15 15:04:03 2012, 美东) 提到:
ardorbird (独自徘徊在天堂与地狱之间) 于 (Wed Feb 15 15:24:05 2012, 美东) 提到:
Lofgan觉得anti-fraud的effort over reach,反而要求USCIS简化流程,streamline