IV在FB的最新回复# EB23 - 劳工卡
Limba Reddy No Problem Let it take it own time .will be waiting for positive
out come.in the comming weeks.We really appreciate all your efforts..and
thanks for your timely informative updates.
Like · Reply · 5 · 2 hrs
Immigration Voice Thanks Limba Reddy, for your understanding. We shared the
truth all along. We wanted to share what was going on because when we don't
share then some people complain that we are not sharing. When we share what
is going on, then people blame us when things don't work out exactly the way
we want. Even in this case, there is no big deal, this is just a matter of
few weeks, and the final implementation of the fixes will not be delayed. So
its not like a few days here or there is going to change the world, but
some naysayers have the habit of attacking our effort no matter the outcome.
Jatin Bhasin Can you please enlighten us about the nature of such fixes or
that also cannot be disclosed ?
Like · Reply · 2 · 2 hrs
Immigration Voice We have shared clearly a few times that it should come
from the Administration first. Now if we share, and some minor technicality
doesn't work exactly the way someone wants, they will be all over us,
accusing and faulting us as if we did not let that fix happen - neki kar aur
dariya mein daal


【在 d*******l 的大作中提到】
: Limba Reddy No Problem Let it take it own time .will be waiting for positive
: out come.in the comming weeks.We really appreciate all your efforts..and
: thanks for your timely informative updates.
: Like · Reply · 5 · 2 hrs
: Immigration Voice Thanks Limba Reddy, for your understanding. We shared the
: truth all along. We wanted to share what was going on because when we don't
: share then some people complain that we are not sharing. When we share what
: is going on, then people blame us when things don't work out exactly the way
: we want. Even in this case, there is no big deal, this is just a matter of
: few weeks, and the final implementation of the fixes will not be delayed. So

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