little help here# Education - 教育学
in an effort to collect that crazy working hours set forth by our agency, I
will start seeing kids at school settings, please offer your knowledge regards
of available time slot for student to see counselors/social workers from
outside the school while the school is in session I need some heads-up info
to negotiate an suitable schedule. who has experience with walking to and
seeing students at their schools?
Try to use lunch period, study hall hour, or half an hour before the school is
over. Assure the kid he can leave earlier if he cooperates.
Or you can use an elective class, say keyboarding or wood shop.
Don't go to the class to pull the poor kid out. Tell the runners in the office
to send a note to the teacher. It's that simple.


【在 x**c 的大作中提到】
: in an effort to collect that crazy working hours set forth by our agency, I
: will start seeing kids at school settings, please offer your knowledge regards
: of available time slot for student to see counselors/social workers from
: outside the school while the school is in session I need some heads-up info
: to negotiate an suitable schedule. who has experience with walking to and
: seeing students at their schools?

greetings Laukeen, lunch time lasts how long? what is "study hall hour"? what
is good of "half hour" before school ends? the fricking hours drive me nuts..
.we suppose to see kids at home in evenings, since evening hours apprears to
be not enough now I need dig morning time, plus many parents hate us bug them
in the evenings,they shove us to school...and also becasue many of them have
dark family history(drug,abuse....) keep us off their house is a "must" for
covering up their secret, I feel l

【在 l*****n 的大作中提到】
: Try to use lunch period, study hall hour, or half an hour before the school is
: over. Assure the kid he can leave earlier if he cooperates.
: Or you can use an elective class, say keyboarding or wood shop.
: Don't go to the class to pull the poor kid out. Tell the runners in the office
: to send a note to the teacher. It's that simple.
: regards

AP (Advanced Placement) 强化班,比如 AP HISTORY, AP CALCULUS
Block/Hour 大课(相当于两个45分钟的课时),一个学期一CREDIT
Bus Barn 校巴调度场
Commons 饭堂 (午饭半小时,无午休)
IEP (Individual Education Plan) 为特殊需要学生设计的教育方案
Intercom 广播
Inclusion 随班就读
Period 一堂课(40-45分钟)
Prep Hour 备课时间,一般一个老师有一个BLOCK或者PERIOD的备课时间
Recess/Break/Transition 课间休息
Study Hall 自习(室)
Sub(Substitute) 代课老师
Sophomore 高一学生
SASI 学生个人信息档案
Title I Program 促进平等教育基金(相当于我国的希望工程)


【在 x**c 的大作中提到】
: greetings Laukeen, lunch time lasts how long? what is "study hall hour"? what
: is good of "half hour" before school ends? the fricking hours drive me nuts..
: .we suppose to see kids at home in evenings, since evening hours apprears to
: be not enough now I need dig morning time, plus many parents hate us bug them
: in the evenings,they shove us to school...and also becasue many of them have
: dark family history(drug,abuse....) keep us off their house is a "must" for
: covering up their secret, I feel l

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