The story of an irrigator# EnglishChat - 鸟语花香
He's an irrigator.
He knows that better than anyone else.
He has been staying on BBS for more than 8 hours.
He has been chatting for the entire day.
He broke the record of daily 2000 posts.
Nothing can stop him waterring, even a lovely girl
called "yhrr". For her, he wrote the well-known love
story for compensation of time he escaped from BBS.
Around her, he introduced dozens of waterring topics.
Her mysterious phone call is always a good excuse to
rest for a while after continuous waterring.
He was an irrigator.
He has been an irrigator.
He is being an irrigator.
He will be an irrigator.
He writes peoms.
He writes letters.
He writes emails.
He writes everything.
He used many secret names.
He posted many secret posts.
He combined riddles and metaphors.
He gave hints that nobody understands.
He hopes.
He hopes that girl can see it.
He hopes that girl can see it someday.
He hopes that girl can see it someday and understand.
He sings.
He laughs.
He cries.
He dreams.
He waters.

【在 s****g 的大作中提到】
: He's an irrigator.
: He knows that better than anyone else.
: He has been staying on BBS for more than 8 hours.
: He has been chatting for the entire day.
: He broke the record of daily 2000 posts.
: Nothing can stop him waterring, even a lovely girl
: called "yhrr". For her, he wrote the well-known love
: story for compensation of time he escaped from BBS.
: Around her, he introduced dozens of waterring topics.
: Her mysterious phone call is always a good excuse to

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