Petition4 Scapegoated Chinese Amerian Faculties/Professionals
Petition4 Scapegoated Chinese Amerian Faculties/Professionals# Faculty - 发考题
re. 转。
【 以下文字转载自 Military 讨论区 】
发信人: DWarm (DWarm), 信区: Military
标 题: Justice for Chinese Amerians and Our Future
发信站: BBS 未名空间站 (Thu Sep 17 12:25:55 2015, 美东)
Don't Let An Golden Opportunity Go By
Forward the petition link,, to everyone on your email list so long as they are American citizens or permanent residents. Urge them to sign.
We must get 3,350 new signatories per day in order to meet the
requirement of 100,000 within a month. Here is an opportunity when we can
seek justice for the 2 victims while helping ourselves. Time is now to stop
racial and national origin profiling.
For Those Who Need To Be Reminded About the 2 Cases
Sherry Chen was arrested for stealing government secrets. She was hand
-cuffed, and paraded before her colleagues. The media reported her arrest as
a spy far and wide. Then her case was dropped for the lack of evidence by
our government, without apology and/or compensation for damages to her
career, reputation, and psychological health. Her misfortune inspired a
well-read NY
Times article: "Accused for Spying for China, until she Wasn't."
Recently, Prof. Xi,Chair of Physics Dept., Temple Univ. was arrested
for stealing corporate secrets. He emailed a sophisticated schematics of
equipment to his colleagues in China, which the government suspected to be
related to superconductor search called "pocket heater". He was handcuffed,
led to the door past his wife and two daughters.
However, the government's damning evidence against Xi turned out to be
the damning evidence against the government. Even the inventor of "pocket
heater" technology testified that the schematics was not related to "pocket
heater." The case was dropped, without apology and/or compensation for
damages to his career, reputation, and psychological health.
The government didn't practice "due diligence" - consulting an expert on
"pocket heater" before making the accusation and arrest. Click here for a
NYT article.
Beware this could happen to any Asian Americans, particular Chinese Ams.
Our necks are in it too!
re. 转。
【 以下文字转载自 Military 讨论区 】
发信人: DWarm (DWarm), 信区: Military
标 题: Justice for Chinese Amerians and Our Future
发信站: BBS 未名空间站 (Thu Sep 17 12:25:55 2015, 美东)
Don't Let An Golden Opportunity Go By
Forward the petition link,, to everyone on your email list so long as they are American citizens or permanent residents. Urge them to sign.
We must get 3,350 new signatories per day in order to meet the
requirement of 100,000 within a month. Here is an opportunity when we can
seek justice for the 2 victims while helping ourselves. Time is now to stop
racial and national origin profiling.
For Those Who Need To Be Reminded About the 2 Cases
Sherry Chen was arrested for stealing government secrets. She was hand
-cuffed, and paraded before her colleagues. The media reported her arrest as
a spy far and wide. Then her case was dropped for the lack of evidence by
our government, without apology and/or compensation for damages to her
career, reputation, and psychological health. Her misfortune inspired a
well-read NY
Times article: "Accused for Spying for China, until she Wasn't."
Recently, Prof. Xi,Chair of Physics Dept., Temple Univ. was arrested
for stealing corporate secrets. He emailed a sophisticated schematics of
equipment to his colleagues in China, which the government suspected to be
related to superconductor search called "pocket heater". He was handcuffed,
led to the door past his wife and two daughters.
However, the government's damning evidence against Xi turned out to be
the damning evidence against the government. Even the inventor of "pocket
heater" technology testified that the schematics was not related to "pocket
heater." The case was dropped, without apology and/or compensation for
damages to his career, reputation, and psychological health.
The government didn't practice "due diligence" - consulting an expert on
"pocket heater" before making the accusation and arrest. Click here for a
NYT article.
Beware this could happen to any Asian Americans, particular Chinese Ams.
Our necks are in it too!


【在 o**********e 的大作中提到】
: re. 转。
: 老中IT/媒体被歧视,被围歼。
: 【 以下文字转载自 Military 讨论区 】
: 发信人: DWarm (DWarm), 信区: Military
: 标 题: Justice for Chinese Amerians and Our Future
: 发信站: BBS 未名空间站 (Thu Sep 17 12:25:55 2015, 美东)
: Don't Let An Golden Opportunity Go By
: Forward the petition link,, to everyone on your email list so long as they are American citizens or permanent residents. Urge them to sign.
: We must get 3,350 new signatories per day in order to meet the
