Study Finds Chinese Parents Lie More Often To Their Kids SHARE
Study Finds Chinese Parents Lie More Often To Their Kids SHARE# Family - 我爱我家
New research confirms something that some of us have known all along:
Chinese parents lie.
We’re not talking about little white lies—harmless and tactful untruths to
make kids feel better about themselves—like when a child accidentally
drops a dish: “It’s not your fault the plate broke. It broke because it
was too old.”
We’re talking about scar-you-for-life whoppers like “Finish all your food
or you’ll grow up to be short,” “If you don’t follow me, a kidnapper
will come to kidnap you while I’m gone” or “If you don’t behave, I will
call the police.”
According to a new study published in the International Journal of
Psychology, 98 percent of Chinese parents admit to telling their children
lies just like these.
Far from fibs, Chinese parents go beyond wild exaggerations to blatant
manipulative fabrications designed to get kids to do what they (the parents)
want. And if that means scaring the bejesus out of their kids, so be it.
One Chinese parent from the study justified lying by saying, “When teaching
children, it is okay to use well-intentioned lies. It can promote positive
development and prevent your child from going astray.”
To be sure, American parents lie as well. But not anywhere near the extent
of their Chinese counterparts.
Sixty-eight percent of Chinese parents reported having told the lie about
being kidnapped, but only 18 percent of American parents did, according to
the study.
Another lie that far more Chinese parents than American parents (61 percent
versus 10 percent) reported telling their kids was, “Finish all your food
or you’ll grow up to be short.”
Forty-eight percent of Chinese parents versus 14 percent of American parents
pulled the “If you don’t behave, I will call the police” line.
The study examined the lying patterns of 114 American parents and 85 Chinese
parents who had at least one child three years old or older.
How all this might translate to day-to-day business dealings with Chinese
businessmen is anyone’s guess—most of them are parents after all. Just
know that, from a Chinese perspective, “lying” to either save or give face
is not viewed as a lie.

【在 G******d 的大作中提到】
: 作者自己有毛病,你们说呢?
: New research confirms something that some of us have known all along:
: Chinese parents lie.
: We’re not talking about little white lies—harmless and tactful untruths to
: make kids feel better about themselves—like when a child accidentally
: drops a dish: “It’s not your fault the plate broke. It broke because it
: was too old.”
: We’re talking about scar-you-for-life whoppers like “Finish all your food
: or you’ll grow up to be short,” “If you don’t follow me, a kidnapper
: will come to kidnap you while I’m gone” or “If you don’t behave, I will

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