Stay Safe Action Plan转载
Stay Safe Action Plan转载# Family - 我爱我家
Stay Safe Action Plan
The most violent time in an abusive relationship is the minute the woman
leaves, or tries to leave. In fact, in domestic violence cases, more than 70
percent of injuries and murders happen after the victim leaves. This
phenomenon is known as separation assault. After following the Exit Action
Plan for how to leave an abusive relationship safely, know the plan for
staying safe!
Sue Else, president of the National Network to End Domestic Violence, offers
steps for staying safe after leaving an abusive relationship:
Consider going to a shelter
Domestic violence shelters are available to provide safety and to help you
get on your feet. In addition to safety, they provide services, support and
resources for you and your children.
Secure your new home
Consider new window and door locks, outdoor lights, an alarm system, steel
doors and smoke detectors.
Don't move to a secluded area
Move to a neighborhood with lots of neighbors, perhaps an apartment complex,
with a Neighborhood Watch program.
Keep new address confidential
Get a P.O. Box, and don't give out your real address. Try to rent a home
that has utilities included, sign up for an Address Confidentiality Program
through your state government, and make sure your voter registration doesn't
have your address.
Stay off social networking websites
You don't want information about who you're friends with and what you're
doing public. You don't know who could be friends with your ex.
Obtain a protection order
Keep a copy on you at all times. Give copies to family, friends, co-workers
and your children's school.
Change your patterns
Shop at new stores, take different routes to work, change coffee shops and
gas stations, go to a faith service at a different time, switch to a new
Secure your accounts
Change your passwords, PIN codes, and call utility companies and ask them to
add a password that only you know to your account.
Get a new computer
Spyware could be on your old computer, allowing the abuser to know
everything you do on the computer and read all of your e-mail.
Get a new cell phone and number
Verizon HopeLine donates phones to victims through local shelters.
Protect yourself at work
Alert your supervisor and the security staff, remove your number from the
office directory, and even change office locations. Ask security to walk you
to your car.
Safety plan with your children
Teach children what to do if the abuser kidnaps them or breaks into the
house. You don't want to scare your children, but help them be prepared.
Alert the school or daycare of the danger.
Don't isolate yourself
Don't park your car in large parking garages, jog at night or in secluded
areas. Park as close to the location as possible.
Document everything
Keep records of all texts, e-mails, stalking and harassment. Keep video or
written journal " and hide it!
Keep loved ones informed
Always tell a trusted person where you are going, EVERY DAY. Have check-in
times so loved ones always know you are safe.
Be prepared
Have 911 ready to call when you are walking to your car. Be aware of your
environment; if something feels out of the ordinary, IT IS!
Have a bag packed
Include an extra set of keys, identification, car title, birth certificate,
social security, clothes for you and your children, shoes, money, jewelry "
anything important to you.