Never disputed any credit card transaction before since I got my first cc
almost a decade ago. Thanks to Redcard, I did it once now.
$1000 redcard reload was missing on 2/25. It was charged on my credit card
but never shows up in Redcard. Detailed story is here:http://www.mitbbs.com/article_t0/Money/32439717.html. Reported to Redcard after realizing it won't solve itself, and they started an internal investigation. However, somehow they only confirmed $500 load and manually loaded that amount on 3/4. Not bad. I called them again on 3/5 and asked about the rest $500. They said they need one more week. Called again on 3/13 and was told the same thing to wait another week. Today, 3/20, I called again and told them I can't wait any longer. The CSR said, hold on. After a while, he came back and told me the investigation case was closed and they only saw a $500 transaction. If I insist it was $1000 (which is true), he can reopen the case, but the next update would be in 45 DAYS! Why they didn't reopen it when I reported the mismatch on 3/5 but instead kept telling me to wait another week after another week? If I hadn't threaten today, I bet I would have been told to be patient and they would respond in "another week", while, in reality, the case was closed and nobody was working on it.
When I asked if they can expedite the re-investigation otherwise, I have to
dispute, the Indian Redcard CSR suggests me to dispute directly as that
makes the money come back faster... He also assure me where would no
negative impact on my redcard.
So I go ahead and called Chase. I was transferred to a specialist and he
simply asked about the transaction and amount. He didn't like to hear my
whole story, but I insist and reminded him that I did receive $500 already (
don't know how that matters to the dispute). He also declined my offer to
email the receipt copy, and said the money will be temporarily available in
2 days and the final result depends on merchant response (Target? or AMEX? I
don't know).
Anyway, dispute is the last thing I would like to do but look like I ran out
of bullets and patience after almost one month waiting. Let's see what's
going to happen. Will update again.
P.S. I am still puzzled why they only found $500. The $1000 reload was just
one swap. I did try to load $500 after the $1000 fail (didn't realize how
severe the system problem was), but that $500 trial didn't print a receipt,
nor charged on my credit card. All in all, I have no idea.
dress code black tie optional
我打算穿安家一条蓝黑色有print的过膝一点儿的silk的裙子 这个应该没问题
主要是家里LD 大热天的 需要全身西装戴领带吗
本来打算让他穿西裤 上衣短袖=衬衣的 这样可以吗
dispute 也不能保证。


【在 m*****a 的大作中提到】
: Never disputed any credit card transaction before since I got my first cc
: almost a decade ago. Thanks to Redcard, I did it once now.
: $1000 redcard reload was missing on 2/25. It was charged on my credit card
: but never shows up in Redcard. Detailed story is here:http://www.mitbbs.com/article_t0/Money/32439717.html. Reported to Redcard after realizing it won't solve itself, and they started an internal investigation. However, somehow they only confirmed $500 load and manually loaded that amount on 3/4. Not bad. I called them again on 3/5 and asked about the rest $500. They said they need one more week. Called again on 3/13 and was told the same thing to wait another week. Today, 3/20, I called again and told them I can't wait any longer. The CSR said, hold on. After a while, he came back and told me the investigation case was closed and they only saw a $500 transaction. If I insist it was $1000 (which is true), he can reopen the case, but the next update would be in 45 DAYS! Why they didn't reopen it when I reported the mismatch on 3/5 but instead kept telling me to wait another week after another week? If I hadn't threaten today, I bet I would have been told to be patient and they would respond in "another week", while, in reality, the case was closed and nobody was working on it.
: When I asked if they can expedite the re-investigation otherwise, I have to
: dispute, the Indian Redcard CSR suggests me to dispute directly as that
: makes the money come back faster... He also assure me where would no
: negative impact on my redcard.
: So I go ahead and called Chase. I was transferred to a specialist and he
: simply asked about the transaction and amount. He didn't like to hear my

Let's see. If neither way can get the money back, then it dosen't matter
which way you have taken.

【在 B***i 的大作中提到】
: dispute 也不能保证。
: to


【在 l*********u 的大作中提到】
: 美国同学的婚礼
: 1点教堂
: 5点半reception
: dress code black tie optional
: 我打算穿安家一条蓝黑色有print的过膝一点儿的silk的裙子 这个应该没问题
: 主要是家里LD 大热天的 需要全身西装戴领带吗
: 本来打算让他穿西裤 上衣短袖=衬衣的 这样可以吗
: 第一次参加美国人的婚礼,请大家给些意见
: 多谢

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