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Biatta Intimates的内衣质量如何,有个70%off# Fashion - 美丽时尚
前两天面试,碰到的一道JAVA 面试题啊,做的很差。 求大家给点思路,感激不尽!
1. Sports Cards Inc(SPI) is in the business of creating holographic
sports trading cards for the two greatest sports in the world - tennis and
video gaming.
2. Each trading card contains the professional athlete’s personal
information and statistics.
3. Sports Agents(SA) that represent and manage athletes send the athlete
’s PIS to SPI. There are about 50 different SAs that deal with SPI.
4. All SAs send PIS to SPI in a flat file; the flat file contains a
header record that contains the SA’s information and the content record
contains the athlete’s PIS.
Each file contains about 1000 records on average. This file could be
addition of new athletes(because of the growing popularity of the sports and
lucrative pay), deletion of athletes(because they are washed up and have
gone on to less exciting jobs), or an update about the athlete’s PIS(
because the athlete’s statistics have changed). Furthermore, each file
contains a mixture of Tennis and Video Gamer athletes.
5. SCI has two state-of –the-art machines called the holographic
synthesizer, HollSynth; one for creating tennis cards and one for video
gamers. Each machine takes an input file that contains the athlete’s PIS to
generate the trading cards. Each machine has a limit of how many records
can be in the input file; the current limit if 50 records at a time.
6. An application needs to be developed to receive the PIS, process them,
and then create the unique output files that are used by HollSynth. An
existing Relational Database Management System(RDBMS) will be used to store
all the athletes’ PIS data received from SA.
Note: Make assumptions if the information that you need, to provide a
solution, are not stated in the scenario given above. Write the assumptions
as part of your answer.
1) Write a few points from a business stand point or technical standpoint
that you think are important aspects that this application should be able
to do.
2) Recommend a database design – showing tables that would contain the
data and their entity relationships.
3) Write a few major Java classes that you think would be useful and
provide a brief explanation about each Java class.
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