刚胆战心惊的看完黑天鹅# Fashion - 美丽时尚
1 楼
分享吗? 谢谢!!
Be advised that the marriage certificate you provided does not meet the
requirements set forth in the Foreign Affairs Manual that USCIS follows.
Please refer to the following FAM excerpt:
Marriage Certificate
Available. Marriage certificates may be obtained from the office of the
Mayor of the town in which the marriage took place. A request for such
record should be accompanied by a self-addressed envelope and an amount
sufficient to cover return postage. Same-sex marriage was made legal in
France as of May 18, 2013. Note that a "Pacte Civil de Solidarité" (PACS)
is not the equivalent of marriage for immigration purposes.
A marriage may result in the issuance of three different documents: a full
copy, extract with filiation and affiliation free extract.
Verbatim copying and extracted with filiation include information on spouses
(names, date and place of birth), information on their parents and marginal
references where available.
The extract without filiation only include the information the husband, and
marginal notes where available.
Who can apply?
For a full copy or an extract with filiation
• Each spouse,
• their ancestors (parents, grandparents) or minor descendants (
children, grandchildren),
• some professionals when it allows text (lawyers, for behalf of their
clients, for example).
How to get?
分享吗? 谢谢!!
Be advised that the marriage certificate you provided does not meet the
requirements set forth in the Foreign Affairs Manual that USCIS follows.
Please refer to the following FAM excerpt:
Marriage Certificate
Available. Marriage certificates may be obtained from the office of the
Mayor of the town in which the marriage took place. A request for such
record should be accompanied by a self-addressed envelope and an amount
sufficient to cover return postage. Same-sex marriage was made legal in
France as of May 18, 2013. Note that a "Pacte Civil de Solidarité" (PACS)
is not the equivalent of marriage for immigration purposes.
A marriage may result in the issuance of three different documents: a full
copy, extract with filiation and affiliation free extract.
Verbatim copying and extracted with filiation include information on spouses
(names, date and place of birth), information on their parents and marginal
references where available.
The extract without filiation only include the information the husband, and
marginal notes where available.
Who can apply?
For a full copy or an extract with filiation
• Each spouse,
• their ancestors (parents, grandparents) or minor descendants (
children, grandchildren),
• some professionals when it allows text (lawyers, for behalf of their
clients, for example).
How to get?