2 楼
blue nile的东西不咋样
6 楼
去年圣诞节左右有过一个$100 off $250 code, can be used on loose diamond.
前不久有个$200 off $1000 code,好像也可以用在loose diamond.
register at livingsocial.com, from Christmas to now, they already have 2
Bluenile deals for $100 for a $200 voucher, can be used on loose diamond.
also at Bluenile website, search refer a friend, then put ur different email
there, u can get a code for $100 off $1000. I think this Code can be used
on loose diamond.
【在 N**N 的大作中提到】
: 网上找了几个,都只能用在set上
: 它家有没有可以用在单颗钻上的coupon?
前不久有个$200 off $1000 code,好像也可以用在loose diamond.
register at livingsocial.com, from Christmas to now, they already have 2
Bluenile deals for $100 for a $200 voucher, can be used on loose diamond.
also at Bluenile website, search refer a friend, then put ur different email
there, u can get a code for $100 off $1000. I think this Code can be used
on loose diamond.
【在 N**N 的大作中提到】
: 网上找了几个,都只能用在set上
: 它家有没有可以用在单颗钻上的coupon?
8 楼
You pay what you get. You get what you pay.
You pay what you get. You get what you pay.
9 楼
10 楼
set 14k,18k,和铂金看起来有区别吗?
我没有18k 14k白色的圈,喜欢这个硬度,但不知道颜色怎么样
我没有18k 14k白色的圈,喜欢这个硬度,但不知道颜色怎么样
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