2 楼
In societies where men heavily outnumber women—in what’s known as a “high
-sex-ratio society”—women are valued and treated with deference and
respect and use their high dyadic power to create loving, committed bonds
with their partners and raise families. Rates of illegitimacy and divorce
are low. Women’s traditional roles as mothers and homemakers are held in
high esteem. In such situations, however, men also use the power of their
greater numbers to limit women’s economic and political strength, and
female literacy and labor-force participation drop.
One might hope that in low-sex-ratio societies—where women outnumber men—
women would have the social and sexual advantage. (After all, didn’t the
mythical all-female nation of Amazons capture men and keep them as their sex
slaves?) But that’s not what happens: instead, when confronted with a
surplus of women, men become promiscuous and unwilling to commit to a
monogamous relationship. (Which, I suppose, might explain the Amazons’ need
to keep men in slave quarters.) In societies with too many women, the
theory holds, fewer people marry, and those who do marry do so later in life
. Because men take advantage of the variety of potential partners available
to them, women’s traditional roles are not valued, and because these women
can’t rely on their partners to stick around, more turn to extrafamilial
ambitions like education and career.
In societies where men heavily outnumber women—in what’s known as a “high
-sex-ratio society”—women are valued and treated with deference and
respect and use their high dyadic power to create loving, committed bonds
with their partners and raise families. Rates of illegitimacy and divorce
are low. Women’s traditional roles as mothers and homemakers are held in
high esteem. In such situations, however, men also use the power of their
greater numbers to limit women’s economic and political strength, and
female literacy and labor-force participation drop.
One might hope that in low-sex-ratio societies—where women outnumber men—
women would have the social and sexual advantage. (After all, didn’t the
mythical all-female nation of Amazons capture men and keep them as their sex
slaves?) But that’s not what happens: instead, when confronted with a
surplus of women, men become promiscuous and unwilling to commit to a
monogamous relationship. (Which, I suppose, might explain the Amazons’ need
to keep men in slave quarters.) In societies with too many women, the
theory holds, fewer people marry, and those who do marry do so later in life
. Because men take advantage of the variety of potential partners available
to them, women’s traditional roles are not valued, and because these women
can’t rely on their partners to stick around, more turn to extrafamilial
ambitions like education and career.
昨晚看了NBC转播的奥运开幕式,太震撼了。中国第一位物理学女博士98岁何怡贞逝世 (转载)MITBBS大版性别平等指数排名的设想我知道藤是如何合法获得绿卡的。 (转载)Re: 我所认识的闫滕二人by jiajia (转载)老闫到底欠了多少抚养费?留美博士抛妻杀子一文 的 矛盾不实之处关于藤和阎 (转载)浙大回忆之往事如风 (转载)美丽中的丑陋到灯塔去问一下,腾汪闫事件和性别平等有关系吗?Re: 想听听大家的建议:这种情况如何成功申请到Faculty的位置? (转载)中国女杰李娜再建奇功闫补课在Mitbbs发文昵称顶,快回复,我的眼泪流干了建议做些FAQ丈夫用脏话骂我,我想离婚。周末八婆八卦,转贴阎小三在文学程的两个帖子:Report: Women Increasingly Choosing Dead-End Careers Over Dead-End Relationships