每到早上手机铃声响,我都痛苦的在床上翻好几个跟斗, 真的厌倦了我的工作,无比 厌倦。 昨天晚上没有睡好,半夜饿醒了,今天早上刚到办公室, Chief 就询问我某个研究项 目的进展和后续资金情况。 进展倒是顺利,后续资金缺口庞大,但是我知道是有保证的,因为一个月前我刚查过。 但是,但是,那张保障我们后续资金的公文原件, 却怎么也找不到了。 那个公文原件存在楼下的档案室,只有秘书有钥匙, 我调阅的时候找她拿的钥匙,我 记得很清楚,每次我都说我自己放回楼下,但是秘书说我没有必要自己跑一趟楼下,交 给她,她放回去,就可以了。 我知道问题出在了这里,但是我还是自己翻遍了我的办公室,角角落落,就即便有个复 印件,也好,但是就是找不到。 秘书翻遍她的cube , 也找不到。 我真急的两眼发黑,这是2012 年10 月份的批复,如果没有了,再来一遍,不知道还有 没有那么好的运气。 如果不需要再来一遍,告诉他们我们把这么重要的的东西丢了, 也会有难以想像的麻烦,除了挨白眼问你怎么不把自己丢了? 从早上找到下午, 找不到。 股板的月光妹妹说人性在5000年的历史长河中从未有过改变,真是千真万确。涉及到实 实在在的利益的时候,可能更能看清楚一个人。 平时对我嘘寒问暖,生怕我累着的秘书反复强调这个document 我一个月前看过,丝毫 不提我自己要放回原地,她却说交给她,省的我自己跑一趟楼下的话题。 其实她不说我也不会把这个责任推给她,天塌下来,有高个子的顶着。 下午快下班的时候,我去Chief 的办公室,说, 那个 Funding approva l letter from XXX could not be located anywhere in this building. I probablly accidentaly shreded it after I checked it out for review last month. Chief 不相信他的耳朵, 两眼直楞楞地瞪着我, 好像我shred 的是真的千万美钞。 回到家就觉得特别累,戒网,戒股票,戒工作,与世隔绝,真的想。
【在 a***y 的大作中提到】 : 据说小字说 : For maps and traffic data, “lifetime” is defined as the life of the : product or 3 years, whichever is reached first. : What a joke!
19 楼
【在 n*******s 的大作中提到】 : Maybe it is time to get laid... : 除了健康和快乐, 其它的都是浮云。
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【在 m*****e 的大作中提到】 : : Isn't this false advertising???
21 楼
【在 o******1 的大作中提到】 : 看络纬的说明档,她真的戒网了
22 楼
It's lifetime with a 3 year cap. It's still lifetime. they just take advantage of our assumption and common senses. I was told that watch with 100 ft deep waterproof resistance just means you can wash hands with the watch or something like that. it does not literally mean 100 ft deep in the water. It's like gold credit card is not made of gold. I booked a hotel night at continental.com. I found they charged me more tax than elsewhere for the same roomrate. The fine print for tax says it includes applicable fees. I argued with them, they denied they charged any fee, but also refused to break down where the tax comes from. 天下都是黑乌鸦。
Nothing is big deal,except your own healthy life. Upon your eyes being closed, nothing is there. Hahaha Just really got it today Here is the story 1. Got a super super task with the highest priority from Tuesday; 2. A guy and I tried our best to figure out the final solution yesterday morning; 3. Yesterday Afternoon my laptop crashed suddenly; 4. Then all pressure disappeared by itself; 5. I am waiting for a brand new laptop and temporally working on a PC now, nobody finger-points anybody except the laptop. Feel so good, LOL Who said the world is just what in your eyes? YEAH Absolutely!