今天这个做HTPC怎么样?# Hardware - 计算机硬件
一篇文章,但或许如果有citable pub,比较容易说服一个community里的人来用我们这
对一些big questions的解读,有兴趣的推荐读完,可以开启心智!
The nature of dark matter and dark energy in the cosmos
Science is based on a very strict process - of taking existing well-tested
theories and then observing something. This something observed is not
understood so hypothesis (or educated guesses) are made as to what drives
that phenomena. Where the inspiration comes to come up with a hypothesis,
that's interesting and bounds on the spiritual, but from there the process
continues where that hypothesis is tested. Then the results are written out
using tables and an interpretation is made. Then that interpretation is peer
-reviewed, and if it passes peer-review by what is considered an unbiased
and knowledgeable peer, then it goes into a journal. From there, others
attempt to replicate the experiment and it is debated and scientists attempt
to poke holes in it or refute it. If they can't, at that point, it becomes
a theory. If it is found that a mathematical relationship can be made that
seems to always hold true, or it simply describes nature as observed in a
way that is pretty obvious, then it may even be called a "law". That the sky
on Earth tends to be blue during a clear day is a law. It is pretty much
common sense for any being, that if you took a physical being like your own,
and took them to Earth on a clear day, that wavelength of light would hit
them, even if they perceive that wavelength of light differently or can't
even see it. It's the wavelength you call "blue". Then, the scientific
information that the blue wavelength comes from the prism affect of bending
light into different wavelengths and the blue color is the one that doesn't
scatter by the atmosphere is a well-tested theory.
Ignoring organized religion and organized theology, spirituality is much
different. Spirituality is typically an inward seeking to understand more
about ones self, and how one fits in the multiverse on a higher level.
Additionally, this coincides with how to better ones self in their own lives
. It doesn't require peer review. Because it can employ more than the
physical senses, it also isn't limited like your science currently is to the
"3d/4d universe", and can allow for experience of the non-physical and the
entire multiverse. Personal experience is considered acceptable and shared
amongst people. It doesn't have to be "fact" since people are willing to
honor an experience of another, even if it isn't appropriate or "truth" for
However, both are philosophies, and they are seeking an understanding of the
same thing, since there is only one all-that-is. So there is common ground
- just two different approaches. Science is slow, spirituality is not.
Science is more free from the ravages superstition than spirituality (
science isn't perfect). Both approaches are equally susceptible to bias and
The Mundane vs the Esoteric
Often-times people use "not spiritual" to describe mundane things like
science, and "spiritual" to describe formerly esoteric things such as this
channeling. However, of course, everything is spiritual. We'll warn you that
our partner is going to be using the terms "spirituality" and "science",
really meaning esoteric and mundane; Whereas when he talks about "spiritual"
stuff, he's referring to multidimensional things and essentially higher
vibrational beings. The reason he's using these terms, is because otherwise
the channeling would sound awkward and be hard to understand. The
information comes through him from us, and we honor and appreciate that he
has to tune it to your reality to make it digestible.
We have to say that we are impressed with how you've used science to peer
deep into the universe and deduce and induce a lot about it. However,
science moves slowly. What if you were able to take a more fast-tracked
approach? If spirits told you everything you asked about, would that take
the fun out of it? Or is it only marginally useful until you've actually
done your experiments, determined the math, and made it practical for your
3d experience? So what's the point of giving you information like this when
there's no practical use in science?
Or is there? Well, think about this: What if instead of having to guess and
check all the time, following many dead-ends, you were given the hypothesis
from spirit and then had to only experimentally test them and determine the
details of the math? Wouldn't science go a lot faster that way if there were
never dead-ends? Where each layer you add to the foundation of scientific
knowledge goes super-fast. Perhaps that's one advantage of uniting
spirituality and science.
You're not meant to walk blind. That's your choice. Many beings on many
worlds take the short-cut approach, and so can you.
Dark matter and energy
Obviously, so when we see something that will push the bounds of science and
help unite it with spirituality, we find that interesting. It's a long road
, but one of the two concepts today we are going to discuss can do just that
as you continue to understand the phenomena more.
Let's talk about dark matter and energy...
Dark matter
Dark matter is basically a concept born out of an issue: Scientists looked
into space, and they can see almost everything back to your local universe's
"Big bang" and they said, "Hmm, something is wrong". It appeared that based
on their physics math about angular velocity, conservation of energy,
understanding of mass and Newtonian gravitation, relativity and other
aspects, that there seemed to be much more matter in the universe than they
can see with light. This was especially clear when you looked at rotation of
galaxies. This points to some possibilities: The math is wrong, or there's
matter that you can't see.
We'll tell you that both are correct to some degree, but that latter is more
accurate. The math isn't wrong per-se, but limited and there are plenty of
exceptions that you haven't determined experimentally yet since you haven't
yet seen them. So the math is not as robust as it can be. Especially, when
it comes to your understanding of gravitation and space, you have some work
to do. Scientists already suspect this, but they can't figure out what's
wrong yet with their math. The answer would be the "Grand Unification Theory
" they are seeking.
Now, the second part, that there are things unseen by science, is the
overwhelming answer to what Dark Matter is. You already intuitively feel
there are "higher dimensions" that can't be seen. We'll tell you that there
are, but it doesn't apply to this discussion. It will be more important when
we talk about "dark energy".
So the answer to what a lot of dark matter is, is a bit less exciting. This
is because there is no one smoking gun, but many different things that you
don't see. Since we think the dark energy discussion will be more
interesting, we'll just try to list some examples quickly:
* There are some exotic particles that you haven't yet seen. Mathematically,
you are aware of most of them but your math is wrong so you are somewhat "
looking in the wrong place".
* There are forms of matter that pop in and out of existence momentarily
from a quantum soup that we'll discuss later. This matter does have a net
mass, even if it's only around for fractions of a second. They pop in and
out more or less uniformly throughout the universe, not perfectly uniformly
because they are subject to the influence of thought, but uniformly enough
that when they are in galaxies, they do affect the rotation somewhat.
* There are dark clouds of dust that obscure things. You just haven't
figured out where they are yet. As your telescopes improve, they'll become
* There are many more "black holes" than you realize, and these are quite
often dark if not surrounded by matter unless they just happen to be
oriented right that you see their jets.
* There are many "rogue planets" and brown dwarfs. More than there are stars.
* Then there are forms of matter that just don't give off light and don't
reflect light well, or so little that it's not detected.
Dark matter is not antimatter. Antimatter gives off light as well.
Add to the list above that your math about gravitation is a little off - we
think the word incomplete is an accurate depiction - and you've pretty much
covered the subject of dark matter.
Dark energy
By covering dark matter first, we wanted to reinforce that sometimes, some
mysteries have simple scientific explanations rooted in 3d experience. And
sometimes, things like dark energy have spiritual explanations. So, now, we
get to the exciting part for spiritualists. Scientists have found that the
expansion of the universe is accelerating. This expansion is not just making
more space between stars and between galaxies, and between galaxy clusters.
.. It's also making more space between the very matter that makes up your
body. What if we told you that you were becoming less dense, less physical,
and projecting that onto your perspective of the universe?
By getting less dense, it's actually bringing things closer together because
you're becoming more whole, seeing more of all-that-is, but you see things
as getting farther apart. How interesting.
So, you invent this concept of "dark energy" in science, that you say is
pushing things apart. This is where we'll go back to one of the forms of
dark matter we discussed to tie things together a little.
We talked earlier in the channeling of how some dark matter was simply
matter that pops in and out of existence from a sort of quantum soup.
You may have heard before that most of the universe is spiritual higher
dimensional experience, and 3d experience is actually more of a rarity, even
if it may not seem that way to you.
Scientists have said that the kind of matter you can see is 5% of the
universe, whereas dark energy is about 70% of the universe. There is
actually more dark energy than scientists even estimate, but we don't even
need to go there. Think about all the billions of galaxies you already see
with your telescopes. Now realize that there are at least 14 times more "
stuff" that you cannot see, that isn't even matter but is energy! An energy
you do not know about! That's a lot of the universe not to understand!
Now, think about the fact that most people can't see spirits or spiritual
Are you making a connection?
It's incredibly exciting to us, that you are starting to become aware of the
spiritual world in science, of the higher dimensions.
Your scientists may call it "quantum fluctuations", "quantum soup" or other
terms. We've touched on the quantum subject before, and we will again. So we
're not going to get deep into it now. But what these are, these quantum
fluctuations, are things that are not fully one thing or another, but
actually more than one thing at once. How can something be a dog and a cat
at the same time? Because that's just how the universe works until the
things decide what they are or have it decided for them! In science, you
call that an "observation" or "measurement". You started realizing this back
about one hundred years ago in your time, and it seemed strange. It made no
sense. But it is now the prevailing understanding.
But what scientists do not realize is that the spiritual world lives in a
sort of in-determinant state, these quantum fluctuations, and they are "made
" of these quantum fluctuations. One form, not every form, of dark matter is
when those spirits take a slightly more physical form for fractions of a
second in your linear time. So there is even a slight connection between
dark energy and some forms of dark matter.
So between your atoms, between your worlds, between your galaxies, there are
spirits and whole spiritual realities out there that your science does not
yet see, and usually these spiritual realities are many things at once.
So, perhaps, it is obvious now whey it is so hard for your scientists to
measure dark energy directly. Since they'd need the technology to "see"
However, it will happen and since things tend to happen in paradigm shifts,
it'll be about at the same time that more people start seeing spiritual
energy like some people already can.
What will finally making that connection do for you as a culture? That's for
you to decide!

【在 a**********y 的大作中提到】
: 我们程序中写了一个library,很基础的fortran程序写的,非常general的数据管理模
: 块,对程序通用性和数据交互应该有些意义。这肯定发不了正式文章,而且也不是图多
: 一篇文章,但或许如果有citable pub,比较容易说服一个community里的人来用我们这
: 个setup作为一个基础,从而起到提升效率的作用

GMA X4500能不能流畅播放streaming HD (youtube, neflix, pptv蓝光等等)。

【在 k*x 的大作中提到】
: 这个主板质量怎么样?手里正好有原来的c2d 8300,和多余的ddr3 ram.这个是板载显卡
: 么?


【在 i***l 的大作中提到】
: 这个集成显卡,太老了,算了还是。

No. AMD E350 is better for pure HTPC.

【在 a***e 的大作中提到】
: htpc还是低功耗的i3+H67合适
play movie used more power than i3-2100

【在 x****u 的大作中提到】
: No. AMD E350 is better for pure HTPC.


【在 x****u 的大作中提到】
: No. AMD E350 is better for pure HTPC.


The integrated graphics is better than anything Intel can include.

【在 a***e 的大作中提到】
: play movie used more power than i3-2100
应该不存在i3-2100无法软解的1080p HD

【在 x****u 的大作中提到】
: The integrated graphics is better than anything Intel can include.


Said it was for pure HTPC purpose..

【在 h**2 的大作中提到】
: cpu性能是王道、是硬通货!
: 软解是趋势
: 应该不存在i3-2100无法软解的1080p HD
: 何况i3-2100比E350能干的事情多得多,而且干得快

htpc purpose, the AMD iGPU means nothing.
i3 is more than enough for movie. far better in coding.
far better in web content viewing.
Gaming? the E350 still a joke for gaming anyway.
and who the hell use a Home Theater PC for gaming?

【在 x****u 的大作中提到】
: Said it was for pure HTPC purpose..

what pure HTPC applications could overrun the i3 HD2000?

【在 x****u 的大作中提到】
: Said it was for pure HTPC purpose..

Core i3 2100加ECS H61主板带HDMI,microcenter买110 b4 tax
还想更cheap ass甚至可以Pentium G620+ MSI H61板,80拿下
AMD fusion E350基本没有优势
我试过win7下E350软解Youtube的1080P视频,用win 7 desktop cpu meter,个别时间
(Fusion causes confusion :),但我说软解最方便,是王道也不是随口说说的

【在 x****u 的大作中提到】
: Said it was for pure HTPC purpose..


E350 for the same HTPC functions consume less power and is cheaper. My E350
HTPC has peak power consumption of less than 28 watts. i3 system takes
this much at idle. My E350 with board and cpu cost $115 when I bought it 6
months ago, i3 chip itself cost more than that.

【在 a***e 的大作中提到】
: what pure HTPC applications could overrun the i3 HD2000?
i3 system idle at 9~10W
and play 1080P at less than 18W
once a while the CPU+MB cost system max power is about 40W.
and do windows update 3X faster :)


【在 x****u 的大作中提到】
: E350 for the same HTPC functions consume less power and is cheaper. My E350
: HTPC has peak power consumption of less than 28 watts. i3 system takes
: this much at idle. My E350 with board and cpu cost $115 when I bought it 6
: months ago, i3 chip itself cost more than that.


Don't confuse the price of i3-2100 with the performance of i3-2100T.
Plus, "once in a while" at that $120 is not as good as Always available at
around $115

【在 a***e 的大作中提到】
: i3 system idle at 9~10W
: and play 1080P at less than 18W
: once a while the CPU+MB cost : system max power is about 40W.
: and do windows update 3X faster :)
: E350
: 6


Pentium G620+ MSI H61板,80拿下

【在 h**2 的大作中提到】
: Core i3 2100加ECS H61主板带HDMI,microcenter买110 b4 tax
: 还想更cheap ass甚至可以Pentium G620+ MSI H61板,80拿下
: AMD fusion E350基本没有优势
: 我试过win7下E350软解Youtube的1080P视频,用win 7 desktop cpu meter,个别时间
: 点cpu是满负载,有卡顿(缓冲已完成,非网络hiccup),你当然可以为E350配合每个不同的codec花
: 时间精心设置硬解
: (Fusion causes confusion :),但我说软解最方便,是王道也不是随口说说的

i3-2100 is a little faster than i3-2100T with 2~3W penality.
i3-2100+MB at $120 quite regularly at MC and the deal is certainly more
frequent than me building a new HTPC. :)
However, windows updates almost weekly and
at atom CPU performance, updating will be a PIA with E350.
low power at normal use, high performance when demanded. that is ideal case.
E350 GPU for HTPC is a overkill but CPU for HTPC is a stone knife.
i3-2100 GPU is more than enough for HTPC and CPU fit HTPC.
i will pay the extra $5 anytime when it comes to HTPC.
@$70, i will consider E350 kit.

【在 x****u 的大作中提到】
: Don't confuse the price of i3-2100 with the performance of i3-2100T.
: Plus, "once in a while" at that $120 is not as good as Always available at
: around $115

看附件:test checkout

【在 r***e 的大作中提到】
: 光CPU就快80刀了,我想搞一个。谢谢!
: Pentium G620+ MSI H61板,80拿下
: 不同的codec花
