Asus TF300 transformer tablet 有人买过吗? (转载)
Christian vs Buddhism.
------How Christian Defines Poverty ------
Spirit of poverty is a spirit of Satan. It is a spirit that uses poverty to
steal kill and destroy.
Having worldly materials, riches and wealthy does not mean you are rich –
instead all worldly materials are vanities.
You may have worldly riches but be poor – have the spirit of poverty
A person may be lacking worldly riches but be rich – not have the spirit of
Jesus lacked worldly riches when He was on earth (Mt 8:20) but He was the
richest on earth
The Apostles lacked worldly riches but they were rich
Apostle John in Patmos lacked worldly riches but he was rich
The rich fool in the parable (Lk 12:16-21) had worldly riches but poor and a
fool. See parable of the rich fool
How do you know you have the spirit of poverty?
Poverty – How to Know You Have the Spirit of Poverty
A person with spirit of poverty is;
1. Not content and not satisfied
A person with the spirit of poverty is not content and not satisfied with
what they have.
If they have a house, they want another; a car they want another; even
before using money in their hands to completion, they want more; have a
husband or wife but want other/more men and women, etc.
Dissatisfaction and discontentment is a spirit of Satan, a sign of spirit of
poverty and a rebellious spirit against God – for Jesus Christ is a God of
Heb 13:5 …be content with what you have
1Tm 6:7-9: For we brought nothing into this world, and it is certain we can
carry nothing out. And having food and clothing with these we shall be
content. But they that desire to be rich fall into temptation and a snare,
and into many foolish and hurtful lusts, which drown men in destruction and
Every person not content and not satisfied perishes if not delivered
2. Seeking more and more
Because they are not satisfied and content, these people with spirit of
poverty are always looking for more and more
When they get a job, immediately they start looking for another job
When they get a house, immediately they start looking for another
When they get a car, immediately they start looking for another
When they buy a phone, immediately they start looking for another
Always running after money, money, money and worldly riches and like their
forefathers, grandfathers, mothers, etc, they likewise die in poverty yet
spent their life running after these vanities
For where your treasure is, there your heart will be also (Mt 6:21)
Their treasure is in worldly materials, riches and wealth and that is where
their heart is not in Jesus Christ – do not let their mouths and lips lie
to you
They desire riches, a road to destruction and perdition (1 Tim 6:7-9)
No person after worldly materials and riches inherits heaven – it is either
you are after Jesus Christ or after worldly materials and you cannot seek
both for you will lose one for the other (Mt 6:24)
One thing Jesus told me years back is, ‘do not seek these things, seek Me
and all these things will seek you. If you seek them they will keep fleeing
from you’
Years later, I can testify this is the TRUTH.
3. Love storing (accumulating)
Spirit of poverty leads people to accumulating – storing.
Their treasure, their wealth is in the store, in banks, etc, and there is
where their heart is – not in Jesus Christ (Mt 6:21)
A poor man accumulates and stores but a rich man’s resources get in getting
A rich man will have a million dollars now but the next second it is all
gone but when a poor man gets a million dollars s/he stores to pluck little
by little.
When river waters are blocked from flowing in and out a river, the waters
create another route cutting feeding the river and the river dries up or
becomes breeding ground for filthiness.
When waters of a lake are cut from flowing out, the lake becomes filthy and
breeding ground of filthiness.
And so is a human. When worldly materials are cut from flowing out, a person
becomes filthy and wicked or the resources dry up.
Every person you see whose work is to accumulate, accumulate, storing and
storing for him/herself is a person with a spirit of poverty
They accumulate cars, houses, lands, money in the banks, clothes, things
they have no need of today. They are fools like the rich fool in the parable.
And when they have stored plenty, God calls them fools and kills them and He
takes those riches and gives to His own
Ecc 2:26: For God gives to a man that is good in His sight wisdom, and
knowledge, and joy: but to the sinner He gives travail, to gather and to
heap up, that He may give to him that is good before God.
If you are gathering and heaping (storing) you are a sinner … to the sinner
He gives travail, to gather and to heap up – be delivered when you are
still alive on earth
When you die accumulating and storing like the rich fool in the parable, you
perish – go to hell
Look at the things with you you do not need now or you do not use, like
cloths, foods, shoes, phones, cars, etc, and give them out to the needy –
stop accumulating and storing
4. Stingy – cannot minister to Jesus Christ
True Bride of Christ ministers to Jesus Christ by helping the needy (Mt 25:
People with spirit of poverty are stingy – do not minister to Jesus Christ.
But how can they minister to Jesus Christ when they want more and more to
themselves and accumulate storing and storing?
And if they just help the needy a little, they want the whole world to know
A wise man invests in people but a fool accumulates and stores for him/
These are people whose self has not died – they may claim to be in Jesus
Christ but in reality they are not.
If self has not died in you, you cannot be a bride of Christ, walk in His
way obeying His commandments.
5. Worry
People with spirit of poverty are always worried about tomorrow. Everything
they do is because of their worry of tomorrow.
Their accumulating, seeking more and more and storing is all because of
their worry of tomorrow.
They are always worried about their stores, bank accounts, lands, cars,
houses, clothes, shoes, phones, etc, because their treasure is there and
thus their hearts
Worry of tomorrow is a spirit contrary to Jesus Christ
Mt 6:34: Therefore do not worry about tomorrow, for tomorrow will worry
about its own things. Sufficient for the day is its own trouble.
Worry steals peace – takes away the Holy Spirit. A person who lives in
worry of tomorrow cannot meditate the Word of God.
6. Their happiness and joy is depended on worldly materials
People with spirit of poverty, their happiness and joy is depended on
material things – the material things control their happiness and joy
Bride of Christ happiness and joy is in the Holy Spirit (fruits of the Holy
Spirit) not depended on material things and worldly riches.
7. Love bragging and showing-off
Spirit of poverty loves bragging and showing-off – it is pride
The rich never show-off but a poor person brags and shows-off his/her
Bride of Christ are humble with no pride – they do not brag and show-off
8. Love begging and borrowing
Spirit of poverty leads people to begging and borrowing – makes people
beggars and borrowers.
A beggar is an unrighteous person for David said,
Psalms 37:25: I have been young, and now am old; yet have I not seen the
righteous forsaken, nor his children begging bread
Seek the kingdom of God and His righteousness and all will be added to you (
Mt 6:33) thus you will stop begging
Majority of today people preaching and so-called men and women of God are
beggars; begging using the name of Jesus – they are unrighteous
Bride of Christ does not borrow but spirit of poverty is a borrowing spirit
Deut 15:6: For the LORD your God blesses thee, as He promised thee: and you
shall lend unto many nations, but you shall not borrow
Loans are for beggars and borrowers not Bride of Christ
For a borrower is a slave to the lender (Prov 7:22) but we in Jesus Christ
are slaves of righteousness bought with a price
1 Cor 7:23 You were bought at a price; do not become slaves of men
If you have a loan or love taking loans, your ways are far from Jesus Christ
– repent.
Living through loans is living a lie, is being a liar and liars will all
Borrowing, begging, loans is a bondage and captivity which many need
deliverance from for them to become lenders and minister to Jesus Christ. A
beggar and borrower cannot minister to Jesus by helping the needy.
And the most foolish thing I have seeing is people taking loans and tithing
9. Envy and covetous
People with spirit of poverty are envious and covetous loving competition.
If they see you with a new car, they want like yours or better than yours
If they see with a new phone, they go to buy like yours or better than yours
They want everything they see and better than others – it is a spirit of
10. Controlled by material possessions
People with spirit of poverty are controlled by material possessions and
They work hard to be rich and possess material wealth – hard work makes no
man rich, it is God who blesses making a person rich. Everything they do be
it being married or marrying is for money, material gain, etc.
When in one job they hear of another job paying more, they run to seek that
other job – they do not even seek Jesus Christ to hear from Him about it
When they are in one business and they hear selling this and that is
profitable, they run to sell that without even seeking to hear from Jesus
They are controlled by material possessions.
Bride of Christ on earth is controlled by Jesus Christ through the Holy
Spirit not by material possession.
11. Mindful of worldly things not things of God
Spirit of poverty is a spirit mindful of things of the world not of God for
it is a spirit of Satan and so are people with this spirit (Mt 16:23)
12. Their value is in their worldly material possessions
A poor person’s wealthiness or value is in the worldly material possession
s/he has – reason they are stingy and love accumulating and storing
These are the people with material wealth but diseases and sicknesses eating
them away slowly to death spending every wealth they have in hospitals –
it is poverty
They have material wealth but do not sleep, lack happiness, joy – it is
You have material wealth but marriage has fled from you, you are lonely –
you are poor
You have material wealth but in addictions, having sex with demons at night,
etc, – you are poor.
A rich person is a person who is free from sicknesses and diseases, torments
and afflictions, storing his/her treasures in heaven, ministering to Jesus
Christ by helping the needy, content and satisfied (with food, clothing and
shelter for that is contentment …and having food and clothing with these we
shall be content), and having Jesus Christ dwelling in him/her
Having material possessions does not mean you are rich neither lacking them
mean you are poor but having Jesus Christ the creator dwelling in you is
richness for everything you need in His Will He creates.
These are just some examples which reveal a person with the spirit of
poverty. Evaluate yourself if you have the spirit of poverty or not.
Everything of the spirit of poverty is against God – it rebels God, His
ways and commands and no one with spirit of poverty inherits heaven
When it comes to choosing between material wealth and Jesus Christ, a person
with spirit of poverty chooses material possessions. Reason many women
today are choosing careers, jobs, employment, money not marriage.
Spiritual husband and wife comes with the spirit of poverty. See how to know
you have a spiritual husband and wife
You need deliverance from the spirit of poverty. Ask Jesus Christ for your
deliverance for if you die in that spirit, you will perish.
Your forefathers, grandfathers, grandmothers, even your own parents,
siblings died seeking material things and riches and they are in hell – do
you want also to perish like them?
【 以下文字转载自 PDA 讨论区 】
发信人: fongfong5 (fongfong5), 信区: PDA
标 题: Asus TF300 transformer tablet 有人买过吗?
发信站: BBS 未名空间站 (Thu Nov 1 21:58:29 2012, 美东)
现在降价, 299刀, 32GB。
值不值得买? 现有IPAD2, 觉得不方便, USB drive, SD card 上的照片录像都没
TF300 好像有USB/SD adapter, 不知效果如何。
Bragging and showing-off is a kind of Poverty -- Poverty in Spirit .
Many 'buddhists' love bragging and showing-off – it is a kind of Pride.
The Rich Never Show-off but
a Poor person Brags and Shows-off his/her Poverty.
Bride of Christ are humble with No Pride – they do not Brag or Show-off.


【在 c*********e 的大作中提到】
: Christian vs Buddhism.
: ------How Christian Defines Poverty ------
: Spirit of poverty is a spirit of Satan. It is a spirit that uses poverty to
: steal kill and destroy.
: Having worldly materials, riches and wealthy does not mean you are rich –
: instead all worldly materials are vanities.
: You may have worldly riches but be poor – have the spirit of poverty
: A person may be lacking worldly riches but be rich – not have the spirit of
: poverty.
: Jesus lacked worldly riches when He was on earth (Mt 8:20) but He was the

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When I was a little child,
I used to play with many other children.
Some of them would talk to me like this :
"My parents are more rich than yours !"
which hurt me deeply.
And I never think that my parents should be laughed at for their not being
rich !
When I grow up,
I did very well in school,
and my parents would talk to
other parents like this:
"My child is much better at studying !"
which also hurt other parents deeply.
And I feel deep shame and sadness for what my parents did.
Stop bragging and showing-off ! It is so rude and stupid !
Your karma will never be cleaned if you keeps bragging and showing-off !
Every worldly material possession is a gift from God,
and God can take it away anytime he wants.
And God send different gifts to different children ,
some are sent with beauty, some with talent, some with material wealth.
God made no human beings to be perfect,
Why ?
Because he want his children help each other !
If we are all perfect we will not be humble enough to love each other !


【在 c*********e 的大作中提到】
: Christian vs Buddhism.
: ------How Christian Defines Poverty ------
: Spirit of poverty is a spirit of Satan. It is a spirit that uses poverty to
: steal kill and destroy.
: Having worldly materials, riches and wealthy does not mean you are rich –
: instead all worldly materials are vanities.
: You may have worldly riches but be poor – have the spirit of poverty
: A person may be lacking worldly riches but be rich – not have the spirit of
: poverty.
: Jesus lacked worldly riches when He was on earth (Mt 8:20) but He was the

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【在 f*******5 的大作中提到】
: 【 以下文字转载自 PDA 讨论区 】
: 发信人: fongfong5 (fongfong5), 信区: PDA
: 标 题: Asus TF300 transformer tablet 有人买过吗?
: 发信站: BBS 未名空间站 (Thu Nov 1 21:58:29 2012, 美东)
: 现在降价, 299刀, 32GB。
: 值不值得买? 现有IPAD2, 觉得不方便, USB drive, SD card 上的照片录像都没
: 法看。
: TF300 好像有USB/SD adapter, 不知效果如何。
