去年开始用OPT工作,正在DIY LCA准备申4月的H1B LCA的Section B中的Period of Intended Employment Begin Date应该写Oct 1,2011 还是去年开始工作的时间? 高人指点下撒
2 楼
看newegg上一个review说很吵的说。 The psu fan is like a jet airplane. It is LOUD. I bought this to use as a NAS, but the noise is unbearable. 真那么吵我还是买fanless了, 放在客厅里面伤不起。
3 楼
btw, 同一个公司从OPT到H1B LCA中section B7 是New employment 还是 Continuation of previously approved employment without change with the same employer?