HP Envy 15z这个系列如何?
HP Envy 15z这个系列如何?# Hardware - 计算机硬件
Apple asked Foxconn and Pegatron to investigate manufacturing iPhones in the
United States, as Donald Trump import policy overhangs
Apple has reportedly asked key iPhone manufacturer partners, namely Foxconn
and Pegatron, to investigate ways to bring the iPhone assembly supply chain
into the United States. Today, all iPhones (and almost all Apple products)
are manufactured and assembled in China. The Nikkei report says Foxconn is
actively researching ways to make iPhones in the US although Pegatron
apparently refused Apple’s request over cost concerns. A source is quoted
as saying that domestic production of iPhones means increasing costs by “
more than double”.
Apple has received some criticism over the years for its dependence on
Chinese manufacturing but the issue has come into the limelight recently as
Donald Trump, now US President elect, claimed that he will force Apple to
build its “computers and things” in the United States.
Like many Trump policies, to what extent he intends to put that plan into
action is unknown although it still raises uncertainty about Apple’s supply
chain. The report says sources in the Apple supply chain believe Trump will
push Apple to make some percentage of iPhones in the United States.
Whatever the reality, it makes sense for Apple to explore domestic iPhone
production and be necessarily prepared for any eventuality.
The report does not say that Apple, Foxconn or Pegatron have any current
plans to begin US manufacturing. Whilst Foxconn is conducting the research,
it is also not known what will the ruling will be on its practicality. The
report notes that Foxconn’s chairman is not very enthusiastic about the
idea of moving Apple’s manufacturing line away from China.
From Apple’s perspective, it seems unlikely that the company would move
iPhone production to America without a financial reason to do so. If the
Trump administration decides to heavily tax company imports, it may end up
being cheaper for Apple to manufacture in the US and absorb the higher
production costs.
As it stands today, Apple assembles almost everything it sells in China;
iPhones, iPads and Macs. The exception is the low-volume specialist (and
expensive) Mac Pro which Apple makes in a US factory. In the past, Apple CEO
Tim Cook has dismissed the possibility of making iPhones in the US due to a
‘brain drain’ of vocational talent and knowledge in the American
workforce. A supplier report from yesterday reaffirmed this position, saying
that Donald Trump’s insistence to make iPhones in the United States is
simply impossible.
Eric Swinson • 2 hours ago
Regardless if they will or won't when it comes up for debate having the
actual numbers to argue for or against the decision is important.
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monoloco • 3 hours ago
Just what we need, a million soul crushing electronic device assembly jobs
that will make working at an Amazon Fulfillment Center seem like paradise..
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CelestialTerrestrial monoloco • 3 hours ago
Actually, by the time they build a factory, it'll be using mostly robots to
put these things together, so it's basically being a robot operator.
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Adrayven CelestialTerrestrial • 2 hours ago
Yup, automation is largely taking over that industry. There really are not
that many jobs to 'bring back'..
Wasn't a very realistic promise.
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Jurassic CelestialTerrestrial • an hour ago
"it'll be using mostly robots to put these things together"
Yes, but Donald Trump's and Steve Bannon's xenophobia will cause them to be
happy that they are "American robots", instead of "Asian robots". 😉
But seriously, Apple is the only large American company that makes
smartphones (Google markets some phones, but not in the same league with the
world's top manufacturers).
If Apple is "forced" to move manufacturing to the US, the price of iPhones (
and Pixel phones too) would skyrocket, leaving only phones from Asian
companies being affordable by American buyers. Less expensive iPhones that
would be marketed in the rest of the world would still be made in China.
The Trump government would need to tax foreign-made phones (from Korea and
China) heavily, probably at 25%-50% to bring prices inline with American
made phones. This American-made preference will be applied to ALL American
companies, and would cause a trade war with those foreign countries
currently making goods for US companies.
And since just about everything we buy is now made in Asia (clothes, TVs,
foods, consumer items, car components, etc.), the prices of EVERYTHING ELSE
will rise to levels of unaffordability for the 99% of Americans.
Trump-clown and his brainless friends have not thought about the
consequences of forcing American companies to build infrastructure and have
their products manufactured much more expensively in the USA.
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freediverx Jurassic • an hour ago
"If Apple is "forced" to move manufacturing to the US, the price of iPhones
(and Pixel phones too) would skyrocket, leaving only phones from Asian
companies being affordable by American buyers."
No, it would actually be worse than that. Trump couldn't get away with
imposing tariffs on iPhones without imposing the same tariffs on other
smartphones. The result would be that ALL smartphones sold in the US would
see increased prices. This in turn would reduce sales, or require
manufacturers to design crappier phones. Meanwhile, no American is going to
want to take a grueling factory job that pays minimum wage.
This is a stupid plan with no upside whatsoever for anyone.
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Just Need It For Dev freediverx • 24 minutes ago
So... you support slave labor wages to get cheaper phones?
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Restraint Jurassic • an hour ago
You're assuming that the taxes that would drive Apple to manufacture locally
would not also apply to imported phones. That's a bad assumption.
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james smith • 2 hours ago
It's about time this is way overdue
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Douglas Aalseth • 3 hours ago
So Trump demands they move manufacturing to the US.
Apple/Foxcon/Pegatron comply.
They build the robot factories that Foxcon has wanted for a while now.
China loses jobs. The US gains almost none
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CelestialTerrestrial Douglas Aalseth • 2 hours ago
Even in China they are losing jobs to robots. I seem to remember reading an
article a couple of months ago and robots are displacing something like 75%
of the work force.
I think if Apple's in trouble, then everyone else is going to be in worse
trouble. Here's the thing, Apple can better absorb a little higher cost to
mfg, and keep the MSRP the same because they have enough margin, but the PC
mfg.s and Android mfg? They don't have enough margin to absorb a higher
labor cost.
If Apple played this properly, they might lose 1 to 2% overall margin, which
is not a big deal for Apple, but these PC and Android mfg's losing 1 to 2%
margin? They don't have any to lose.
Look at HP, they ran last year at a 24% Gross Margin. Apple ran at a 39%
Gross Margin. Big difference. If they have to give up another 1% to 2% due
to higher mfg costs, that eats into their Gross Margin, which means less Net
Profits unless they do something to make up for that lost margin. Either
they raise prices, or eliminate jobs elsewhere within the company. Apple
could better absorb a 1 to 2% hit to their margins a lot more than any other
PC or smartphone mfg.
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CelestialTerrestrial Douglas Aalseth • 41 minutes ago
But they also have to get the components that are made in foreign countries
to ALSO be mfg. in the US, otherwise the parts costs (which are the major
component of the cost of these things) goes up, then they will have to raise
prices, otherwise they'll lose profit margins and the stock will decrease
and if the stock decreases, that will trigger a stock market crash, and then
the vicious cycle happens and then layoffs will ensue and then we're F'd.
Trump may have good intentions, but this has to have a lot more than 5
minutes of thought going into this ordeal. Trump obviously got F's in Macro,
Micro economics and probably has ZERO background in mfg of electronic goods.
Plus, he has to have his own line of clothing made in the US, or shut down
his Trump Collection.
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Brian Douglas Aalseth • 2 hours ago
That's realistically how I would imagine it. The US economy moved past
production jobs years ago, and to imagine flipping a switch and then coming
back is pure crazy talk. Apple device assembly in the US would be automated
beyond belief!
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Daniel DelVisco Brian • 2 hours ago
He doesn't want to jump ship and bring it back to America. A lot of
corporations instead of expanding overseas just keep them here. Nabisco paid
off thousands of jobs last year and moved them to Mexico. Does that sound
awesome of course not and that's what he wants to stop. Would it suck to
lose your job?
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freediverx Daniel DelVisco • 2 hours ago
Preventing additional jobs from being shipped overseas is not the same as
bringing back ones that were lost a generation ago.
Also, if Trump actually gave a crap about workers, he wouldn't be abusing
H1B visas to staff his US hotels with cheap foreign labor, he wouldn't be
against raising the minimum wage, and he wouldn't say things like "our wages
are too high."
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CelestialTerrestrial Douglas Aalseth • 2 hours ago
And the MSRP goes up because it costs more to mfg in the US. Oh, and by the
way, China, India bans US products into China, causing huge stock market
Trump needs to figure out a way to do this without completely pissing off
our current Trade partners.
Remember, Trump is a politician and just because he says it's good, doesn't
mean that it is. Typically it means it isn't because they have to sugar coat
it. I don't think Trump thinks things through before he opens his mouth. He
hasn't thought this one through long enough and received feedback from the
Trade Partners.
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Daniel DelVisco • 3 hours ago
The only reason big corporations do business over seas is because it's cheap
for them. They honestly should bring more factories back in the USA. How
terrible would that be?
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shen Daniel DelVisco • 3 hours ago
Who will work in them for the prices those jobs pay? Only illegal immigrants.
Oh wait, they have been leaving for years now.
I guess after president #fuckfacevonclownstick ends social security and
Medicare all the nations grandmas and grandpas can work there until they die.
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CelestialTerrestrial shen • 39 minutes ago
They'll implement mostly robots and they'll only need Robot operators and
not that many either. I think he needs to focus on the mfg jobs that aren't
reliant on robotics. Things like clothing and other labor intensive mfg.
that requires more labor.
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iSRS Daniel DelVisco • 3 hours ago
Agreed. Granted, it isn't going to be this job boom politicians like to sell
these things with, but what can it hurt?
Also, and not directed at you, Daniel, but...
I was not a Trump supporter during the campaign. But to say "so called
president" is just wrong. He was legally elected. It is how our country has
worked for nearly 250 years. Let's join together as a country and stop
having half the country continue to say #NotMyPresident. I hated it when the
right did it to Obama, I hate it now that the left is doing it to Trump.
Wrong is wrong, regardless of your party.
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Jonas Bilious Slough III iSRS • 2 hours ago
"He was legally elected."
Well, actually he hasn't been yet. The Electoral College hasn't voted yet.
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JimCracky Jonas Bilious Slough III • 2 hours ago
Sorry, he will always be called so-called.
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CelestialTerrestrial iSRS • 2 hours ago
Until he gets impeached for committing fraud or something else he's being
investigated and sued over. :-)
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Linkb8 iSRS • 2 hours ago
The EC voting doesn't come up until December. He hasn't been made president
yet. "So-called" is just as apt as anything else.
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iSRS Linkb8 • 2 hours ago
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shen iSRS • 2 hours ago
And yes, wrong is wrong regardless of your party. And that's why I refuse to
support someone who is as deeply wrong as that horrible piece of shit is.
Not. My. President. End of story.
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shen iSRS • 3 hours ago
Until he acts like a president he is "so called president #
And as they are now talking about WWII style internment camps for Muslims,
maybe we can upgrade him to Führer #fuckfacevonclownstick
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iSRS shen • 2 hours ago
Source for these camps? Not hyperbole from left or right leaning sites.
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Libby Lib iSRS • 2 hours ago
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iSRS Libby Lib • an hour ago
Fair enough. We shouldn't have camps, and not a registry of our own citizens
. (the article does not call for Muslim camps, by the way, but a registry.
Someone from a PAC uses the camps as precedent. That should not be tolerated
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shen iSRS • 2 hours ago
How about you go watch the Fox News clip where they say the internment camps
are a success and precedent for registering muslims?
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iSRS shen • 2 hours ago
Ok. Should have said left or right websites or "news" channels
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shen iSRS • 2 hours ago
Are you suggesting that because the exchange happened on Fox that it didn't
happen? The orange asshole has made the guy who ran Breitbart a part of his
team. He has people advising him who make Fox look centrist. And you are
telling me that means it didn't happen?!?
Remember when he started with "all Mexicans are rapists"? And then people
came out of the woodwork to say that's not really what he means don't worry
about it he just means we are going to take care of the illegal immigrants.
And then he said no we're worried about all of them!
Remember when he started with "we are going to profile all Muslims"? And
everyone said no that's not really what they mean they just mean people
coming in from other countries. And then their campaign said "no in fact if
you're Muslim even if you're an American citizen if you leave the country we
won't let you back in."
Every step of the way of this orange assholes campaign people like you have
said "no that's not really what's happening" and now people like you are
saying "we all need to come together as Americans". You know what Americans
do? They support the constitution. This orange asshole in his first hundred
days wants to violate five separate amendments to the constitution. As far
as I'm concerned him and anyone who wants to normalize him, come together
behind him, or support him in any way, can go fuck themselves and die.
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Daniel DelVisco shen • 2 hours ago
You know they look st muslims coming from terrorist countries anyway. Wouldn
't you considering how many bombs did they find in new york? SAN Bernadino,
Paris, Boston marathon bombing? Orlando night club? All muslims. Give us a
link on these camps that hitler will be using.
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brandon hayes Daniel DelVisco • 2 hours ago
Jesus, do you believe everything political operatives say about their
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CelestialTerrestrial Daniel DelVisco • an hour ago
The people in San Bernadino were Government (I think they were County)
employees that were born in the US, they just happened to be Muslim. So go
figure THAT one out.
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shen Daniel DelVisco • 2 hours ago
There are more Christian inspired attacks in America than Muslim inspired.
More violence in America is instigated by right wingers in America than than
by people outside America. Shall we start profiling white male middle class
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Starflyer79 shen • 36 minutes ago
@shen Source? Not doubting you, would just like to see this.
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shen Starflyer79 • 26 minutes ago
Well, there is the New America study or the NYU Brennan center study or CTC.
Here is a conversation about 2 of those studies with a former FBI agent
from about a year ago.
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freediverx iSRS • an hour ago
The term "so called president" refers not to the legitimacy of his election
but to his lack of qualifications.
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iSRS freediverx • an hour ago
Fair enough.
But as far as official qualifications, here they are. Trump, like Obama
before him, satisfies each and every one.
No Person except a natural born Citizen, or a Citizen of the United States,
at the time of the Adoption of this Constitution, shall be eligible to the
Office of President; neither shall any person be eligible to that Office who
shall not have attained to the Age of thirty five Years, and been fourteen
Years a Resident within the United States.
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freediverx iSRS • an hour ago
I wasn't referring to the constitutional minimum statutory requirements for
the presidency. By that standard, a Walmart greeter is qualified to be
When people speak of presidential qualifications, they're thinking of things
like intelligence, experience, character, dignity, and integrity.
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iSRS freediverx • an hour ago

I surrender. You guys one. I wasn't trying to defend the man, but rather
point out the misleading statements, the errors, etc. You win. It's clearly
more important to you to hate the man, and not give him a chance than it is
for me to try and convince you.
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freediverx iSRS • 41 minutes ago
Convince me of what? The man is an obnoxious, crude, racist, xenophobic,
authoritarian ignoramus who has fooled a great many struggling Americans
into believing he gives a crap about them. He is assembling a cabinet of
extremist right wing sycophants. He is enthusiastically supported by neo-
nazis and white supremacists. He is preparing a tax plan that would provide
a windfall to billionaires including himself. He wants to take down federal
regulations including the Clean Water Act, which is amazing when Flint,
Michigan was in the news not so long ago. he wants to appoint a Wall Street
executive to lead the treasury, an anti-science climate change denier to
lead the EPA, and Verizon's CEO to lead the FCC. He's also considered
Giuliani for attorney general. He is incapable of opening his mouth without
spewing a string of lies. He has ZERO redeeming qualities.
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Steven C. Moser Daniel DelVisco • 3 hours ago
If people are willing to pay a 40% premium for a device that is made in the
USA then it would be great. As of right now people shop at walmart and other
discount import retailers because of price.
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freediverx Steven C. Moser • an hour ago
"If people are willing to pay a 40% premium for a device that is made in the
USA then it would be great"
You're assuming that Trump supporters know how to calculate percentages.
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Carlos Lemos Steven C. Moser • 2 hours ago
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Linkb8 Daniel DelVisco • 2 hours ago
Quality in the US is generally lower unless there's a tremendous amount of
automation and investment. Look at cars for instance.
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freediverx Linkb8 • an hour ago
Well, maybe if the company's profits were more equitably distributed among
its employees they would take quality more seriously.
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freediverx Daniel DelVisco • an hour ago
It's problematic to have strong opinions about things one doesn't understand
. But then, Trump got elected based on this phenomenon.
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