xeon和i7一般都选啥?# Hardware - 计算机硬件
1 楼
RD: 10/12/2010
AD: 10/18/2010
Tenure track assistant professor started from 2009, Computer Engineering.
7 Journal papers with 6 as the first author
over 30 conference papers
two paper citations 50+
One NIH Faculty Award, 10 invited talk, 10+ journal reviewer, One conference
chair. 1 Associate Editor
40 pages of Petition letter claimed the six criterion for Eb1a/b
8 supporting letters, but all from United States.
Thanks for all the help from the board. Now wait for I485. 希望可以给版里提
供帮助,有问题站内信联系,谢谢。Good luck to everybody.
AD: 10/18/2010
Tenure track assistant professor started from 2009, Computer Engineering.
7 Journal papers with 6 as the first author
over 30 conference papers
two paper citations 50+
One NIH Faculty Award, 10 invited talk, 10+ journal reviewer, One conference
chair. 1 Associate Editor
40 pages of Petition letter claimed the six criterion for Eb1a/b
8 supporting letters, but all from United States.
Thanks for all the help from the board. Now wait for I485. 希望可以给版里提
供帮助,有问题站内信联系,谢谢。Good luck to everybody.