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Today market holds its level for the most of the day but the June VIX
future keeps on bidding higher which is very bearish to me. That's why I
close most of my long position. Yesterday I longed some VIX June 30-25 put
spread and 30 naked put. I close the 30 put today with 20% gain thanks for
the vol shoots up for the VIX option. Still holding tight for the spread(
paper loss for ~5 percent) and expect VIX to pull back in the coming two
weeks. I also close my SPY put to avoid time decay and poss
future keeps on bidding higher which is very bearish to me. That's why I
close most of my long position. Yesterday I longed some VIX June 30-25 put
spread and 30 naked put. I close the 30 put today with 20% gain thanks for
the vol shoots up for the VIX option. Still holding tight for the spread(
paper loss for ~5 percent) and expect VIX to pull back in the coming two
weeks. I also close my SPY put to avoid time decay and poss
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本来想说EVGA, 但it最近出了个事
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走过的路过的高手 都来帮帮俺吧 谢谢了想卖组装的PC,不知道要多少钱合适dell的显示器自带displayport线吗??UltraSharp U2311H谁给推荐一个cup风扇用俺猪的乡下人较多吧? (转载)这个机箱怎么样啊 Antec Nine Hundred Two这块主板配HTPC怎么样Cable Modem可以自己到市场上买么?怎么设置?版上有用Asus WL-500GP V2 刷tomato的同学吗?[请教] ATX Mid Tower $100左右的选择现在frys好像不出CPU和motherboard的combo了,是吗Help! 电脑前面板耳机没有声音nvidia 460 显卡能否支持3个24寸显示器hd显示?罗技没有nano receiver的键鼠套吗 ???请教:这两天电脑常常无故重启准备买个低端的server,哪儿有比较好的评测问个剧弱的displayport 转 DVI的问题~~~~~~~~~~~~~dell显示器 deal ?T61 加5G 内存会不会造成不稳定?戴尔compact型dimension 4700c台式机咋就不能装second硬盘呢?