DEPRESSION IS A DISEASE WHICH CAN BE CURED! Re: 其实还好Re: 最近经常很容易就觉得绝望# Heart - 心情好么?
1 楼
This is the first sentence jumping into my view when I stepped into the small
office of our psycologist for the first time of my life. After about half a
year's experience, I think it is right.
There are some points I think might be useful for you:
1. About 10%-15% persons in our society have sort of depression, so you are not
alone. This number might be even higher for certain population.(e.g. 50%-90% for
2. Talk to other people about your problems such as your psycologist, counselor
office of our psycologist for the first time of my life. After about half a
year's experience, I think it is right.
There are some points I think might be useful for you:
1. About 10%-15% persons in our society have sort of depression, so you are not
alone. This number might be even higher for certain population.(e.g. 50%-90% for
2. Talk to other people about your problems such as your psycologist, counselor