2 楼
在part 4,问题3a和3b,
anyone included in this application has ever applied for immigrant visa
or filed immigrant petition?
在part 4,问题3a和3b,
anyone included in this application has ever applied for immigrant visa
or filed immigrant petition?
5 楼
sometimes. Not that much. But he seems always yell and argue with us...
7 楼
I understand you are very anger/frustrated/disappointed etc etc now
please calm down and use your calm voice so we can talk about this
let's see what you can do about blah blah
validate kiddo's feelings
so he can express his feelings accurately without yelling
help him to find his OWN solutions
help him to learn to move on
【在 s***g 的大作中提到】
: 老是根我们yelling. 很容易irritated. 是怎么回事? 我和爸爸气的手抖发抖....
please calm down and use your calm voice so we can talk about this
let's see what you can do about blah blah
validate kiddo's feelings
so he can express his feelings accurately without yelling
help him to find his OWN solutions
help him to learn to move on
【在 s***g 的大作中提到】
: 老是根我们yelling. 很容易irritated. 是怎么回事? 我和爸爸气的手抖发抖....
这是绿了?TSC RD05/11/2015[SOS] Is this means EB1A approved?转审稿, machine learning方面的EB1A I140 被RFE,TSC, 请各位高手给点建议,谢谢车祸责任--485会受到影响吗?H1b终止 and AOS【2016年5月第37绿】报绿:今天收到绿卡walkins 算不算插队?请教名位先辈485 提交了一周了 支票还没有提现 求祝福交了485 之后邀请家人来美国的问题听说隔壁EB2, EB3 大倒退了,会影响eb1的审批吗?发包子485求bless快绿,NSC 2015.8.3 RD报一个NSC 140 non-pp approve的case,8个月才批准EB1A 求大家评估有戏么审稿 IF2.0要听公司律师建议不要申请EB1,转弄EB2吗?pp第5天了,求大写bless这是绿了吗?NSC 8/2015NSC 报绿,主副同绿,RD 9/21/2015,散尽家财发包子