Dear Senator XXX,
I am writing this message to seek your help regarding my pending immigration
Principal applicant: XXX (A#:)
Service Center: Texas Service Center
I-485 (adjust status, receipt# SRCXXX),
I-765 (employment authorization, receipt# SRCXXX)
I-131 (USCIS travel document, receipt# SRCXXX)
Mailing address:
Associated I-140 receipt #: SRCXXX (EBX approved on XXX, 2010, priority date
is XXX) (visa number available).
Say your reason: Family reason, job offer, need it for grant approval……
Our family is in great need of getting the cases approved. It has been over
3 months and all our cases are at the stage of “acceptance” or “initial
review” according to USCIS website. The I-765 and I-131 cases have been out
of processing time since the USCIS website shows I-765 and I-131 usually
take 3 months or less to get approved. I have called USCIS 20 days ago and
requested service on those cases, but haven’t heard anything since.
It will be greatly appreciated if you could inquire about my cases at USCIS
and request for expedite service. Thanks a lot for your time and help. If
you would need more information about my cases, please don’t hesitate to
email me at XXX, call me at XXX.
Again, thanks a lot for your help and you always has my support.
thanks for sharing

发信人: fainters (闷豆半仙), 信区: Immigration
标 题: 催case模板
发信站: BBS 未名空间站 (Fri Jan 14 12:09:39 2011, 美东)
Dear Senator XXX,
I am writing this message to seek your help regarding my pending immigration
Principal applicant: XXX (A#:)
Service Center: Texas Service Center
I-485 (adjust status, receipt# SRCXXX),
I-765 (employment authorization, receipt# SRCXXX)
I-131 (USCIS travel document, receipt# SRCXXX)
Mailing address:
Associated I-140 receipt #: SRCXXX (EBX approved on XXX, 2010, priority date
is XXX) (visa number available).
Say your reason: Family reason, job offer, need it for grant approval……
Our family is in great need of getting the cases approved. It has been over
3 months and all our cases are at the stage of “acceptance” or “initial
review” according to USCIS website. The I-765 and I-131 cases have been out
of processing time since the USCIS website shows I-765 and I-131 usually
take 3 months or less to get approved. I have called USCIS 20 days ago and
requested service on those cases, but haven’t heard anything since.
It will be greatly appreciated if you could inquire about my cases at USCIS
and request for expedite service. Thanks a lot for your time and help. If
you would need more information about my cases, please don’t hesitate to
email me at XXX, call me at XXX.
Again, thanks a lot for your help and you always has my support.

【在 f******s 的大作中提到】
: 有人问我要这个,还是发到这里来吧。中间一段就自己情况惊天地泣鬼神的写就行了。
: 大家做个参考吧。
: Dear Senator XXX,
: I am writing this message to seek your help regarding my pending immigration
: cases:
: Principal applicant: XXX (A#:)
: Service Center: Texas Service Center
: I-485 (adjust status, receipt# SRCXXX),
: I-765 (employment authorization, receipt# SRCXXX)
: I-131 (USCIS travel document, receipt# SRCXXX)

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