140递上去,前几天上网查, 看到"On January 21, 2011, we mailed a notice requesting additional evidence or information in this case I140 IMMIGRANT PETITION FOR ALIEN WORKER.". 结果到现在还没收到RFE的信。打电话问律 师他也没收到。 问律师是不是应该催一下, 结果让我填一份privacy act form 的表.看了一下内容, 是给Senator的。我都不知道用不用填这表。RFE letter 没收到,用找Senator吗。 大家碰到这种情况都是如何处理的? 谢谢。
It might help to call the customer service and/or send a letter to the server center where you case is pending. So that they have the record and might extend the deadline for you later. Best luck!