membership推荐信的模板# Immigration - 落地生根
【 以下文字转载自 EE 讨论区 】
发信人: huluwa123 (葫芦娃), 信区: EE
标 题: Open position
发信站: BBS 未名空间站 (Mon Apr 2 19:31:04 2012, 美东)
The position is in San Jose, CA.
Senior Verification Engineer
Job responsibilities:
Develop verification c-model for video codec and video processing
Develop verification environment and testbench components
Develop comprehensive test plans, design direct and random test cases
Perform RTL integration with firmware and help firmware debugging
Drive and adopt new verification methodologies and flows for efficiency
Assist with performance analysis and/or architecture
Desired skills and experiences:
Minimum 5 years or equivalent experiences in design and verification
Strong experience in verification flow and DV methodologies
Hands on experience in video codec and video processing
Familiar with MPEG, AVC/H.264, VC-1 and VP8 video standards
Strong C/C++, Verilog programming and scripting language capability
Highly motivated and be able to work both independently and as a team
Experience in SystemVerilog, UVM/OVM/VMM is a strong plus
Working knowledge of processor architecture a plus
MS in EE, CS or CE
EB-1a绿卡申请的一些体会 Local Access打往中国电话卡1.3¢/分种

来源: VB 于 06-09-14 18:38:04 [档案] [博客] [旧帖] [转至博客] [给我悄悄话]

我的绿卡申请, 是一个多星期的疯狂准备和十个月多的等待. 我在这里谈一些体会, 是
想与大家分享心得. 我不是移民专家, 也只办过自己的个案, 我所写的, 各位只当是一
家之言. 在决定不请律师自己办EB-1a之前, 我觉得有两件事先要评估. 第一是自己的
个案有多强. Is your case strong enough? 第二是自己的英文有多好. Is your
English good enough? 毕竟好律师的专业知识和办案经验是无可取代的.
我在中国的医学院拿到学士, 硕士和博士学位, 在加拿大的实验室干过几年, 老板是一
个非常优秀的科学家. 我所研究的是一种几乎人人知名, 对人类健康和全球畜牧业影响
甚巨, 而对于普通人又有神秘感的疾病. 作为第一或第二作者, 我在好杂志上发表了约
十篇文章, 被引用超过650次, 其中一篇Nature的文章, 被ISI统计在所有该疾病研究论
文中引用率为第七位. 加上其他中英文论文, 总共30多篇. 在加拿大, 我先拿绿卡, 后
成为公民. 因为加拿大工作不好找, 就到美国东部一所大学作了助理教授. 先用TN工作
, 去年8月才改拿H1. 原打算慢慢收集推荐信和所需材料, 再递交绿卡申请.
去年9月14日, 一位同事告诉我, 绿卡申请要排期了. 排期? 从来没听说过, 而且是倒
退5年. 这下子急了. 想请律师, 估计他们的案件早已堆积如山, 我也没有时间去与他
们联络. 只好自己收集证据, 撰写材料, 为不同的推荐人起草推荐信, 体检, 填表, 终
于在9月28日寄出了所有申请I-140和全家I-485的材料. 总算幸运, I-140在今年1月初
批准, I-485在今年8月中批准. 之后不到一个星期, 全家的绿卡就收到了.
2.Cover letter
3.Memo (petition letter)
A.Recommendation letters
E.Review requests
F.Meeting posts and guest speaker invitations
G.Evidence of citations
H.Review papers in which mentioned my papers
I.Grant approvals
J.Newspaper report about my research
5.Copies of Passport and H1B visa
6.Employment certification
7.Degree certificates
我想说说我在Cover letter和petition letter的一些写法.
1. Cover letter 第一段: 开宗明义一句话: I am writing to apply for permanent
resident status in the United States of America as a biomedical research
scientist in the category of EB-1-1, an Alien of Extraordinary Ability
Program. 第二段: 简单介绍自己的学历, 职务, 研究领域. 结束以: In my research
area, I have made significant contributions, which have obtained highly
praise from national and international distinguished professional experts.
第3段: 简单介绍自己的工作单位. 如果工作在大学或著名研究所, 会增加移民官对申
请材料的信任感. 第4段:列举所提供证据的目录. 最后别忘了说感谢.
2. Memorandum in support of petition for permanent resident visa to be
classified as an alien of extraordinary ability
前言: 说明为什么提出申请和自己的申请资格.
I. The extraordinary ability alien requirements 列举在§203(1)(b)(A),
8 U.S.C §1153 of the Immigration Act of 1990中对extraordinary ability alien
II. My fulfillment of the extraordinary ability requirements
前言: 有这样一句话: Although I have yet to receive an award such as Nobel
Prize, I believe that I have overqualified with respect to the alternative
A.Receipt of national or international award 列举所有有用的奖项, 包括国内的
部级奖, 国际发明奖, 在北美的fellowships, Who’s who的收录条目, 等等. 还要描
述其重要性, 为什么是国家级或国际级的奖项.
B.Memberships associations 列举至少3个学会会员. All of these professional
associations require outstanding achievements of their members in the field
of expertise as judges by other experts in that field.
C.Published materials about my work 指出自己在哪些研究领域里有什么文章发表在
什么杂志上, 那些文章最重要, 被引用了多少次, 那些综述文章称自己的某篇文章为a
landmark paper或列为”of outstanding interest.
D.Participation by me as a judge of other scientists’ work 列举哪些杂志请自
己作审稿人. 还特别列举了一次英国广播公司(BBC)在制作一个面向全世界的科学节
E.Original scientific or scholarly contribution 分节较详细地列举自己在不同研
究课题中的贡献和成就. 既要用移民官能看懂的通俗语言, 使其了解自己的研究工作,
也要用较为专业的名词, 显得高深与重要, 使其产生尊重感.
F.Authorship of my scholarly articles 再简略谈一下文章与书籍章节的发表.
G.Display of my work at exhibition 提及所参加学术会议上的展示或发言. 列举被
H.Participation in organization of distinguished reputation in a leadership
role 列举自己在不同单位和课题中的领导或重要作用. 引用推荐信中的话来加强证据.
III. I will continue my work in the field of expertise 强调自己将继续在相同
领域作研究工作, 列举所有用以支持自己研究的基金名称.
IV Conclusion 强调自己是合资格的申请人. 结束以: Based upon the foregoing
memorandum and supporting exhibits, I respectfully request that my petition
be granted.
体会: (1) 不要不好意思赞扬自己, 而是要在有事实的基础上适当地拔高. (2) 所
有列举的证据都要编上编号, 让移民官可以很容易地在材料中找到. (3) 所有的文件
均提交复印件, 但I-485的结婚证与出生证需提交公证原件, 否则会要求补件.
因为许多中文材料需翻译成英文, 所以在Exhibits之前要加上一页, 请任何一位懂中英
文的朋友签字就行. 此人无需具有律师或公证员的资格. 格式如下:
I, __XXX___, have compared the original Chinese language document with the
document which has been translated into the English language.
I certify that this translation is a true and accurate translation of the
original. I am competent to translate from the Chinese language into the
English language.
Sign Name Here
Name: XXX, Ph. D.
Address: __________________
Phone Number: ______________
希望所写的对打算申请EB-1a的朋友有参考作用, 也许对想申请EB-1b和NIW的朋友也有
帮助. 祝大家好运.

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