NIW RFE Letter 求助! (转载)
NIW RFE Letter 求助! (转载)# Immigration - 落地生根
【 以下文字转载自 EB23 讨论区 】
发信人: sheepbird (sheepbird), 信区: EB23
标 题: NIW RFE Letter 求助!
发信站: BBS 未名空间站 (Mon Feb 11 22:10:24 2013, 美东)
NIW 被RFE了,内容如下:
National in scope:
The evidence submitted do not show how your accomplishments are of
substantial intrinsic merit, are national in scope or warrant the waiver of
a labor certificate. With that being said, it appears that the benefit of
your proposed employment is limited to that of your employer. No additional
evidence was submitted to established you would serve in the national
interest to a greater degree than a US worker with minimum qualifications.
You must establish that your proposed employment is national in scope.
Please submit evidence that your contributions will impart national-level
Please submit the following evidence:
*submit evidence that clearly demonstrates the significance of your efforts
in the field. It should be evidence that the petitioner's findings have
enjoyed widespread implementation and acceptance by the scientific community.
The evidence should include, but is not limited to copies of
a) a patent and copyrights,
b) grant proposals
c) peer reviewed articles
d) work that has been cited and/or evaluated in independent journals and it
is noted that you have submitted peer reviewed articles and citations.
While the national interest waiver hinges on prospective benefit, it must be
clearly established that the petitioner's past record justifies projections
of future benefit to the nation....
Please submit evidence to establish that the petitioner's past record
justifies projections of future benefit to the nation and that the nation
interest would be adversely affected if the labor certification process was
used and evidence that your proposed employment can be considered to be
national in scope.
If the petitioner possesses any special skills, knowledge or abilities that
could not be articulated on an application for labor certification, the
petitioner must submit evidence to demonstrated these special skills,
knowledge or abilities.
是自己写的petition letter么?
我自己也不牛 自己写pettion letter 就怕表达的不够清楚


【在 s*******d 的大作中提到】
: 【 以下文字转载自 EB23 讨论区 】
: 发信人: sheepbird (sheepbird), 信区: EB23
: 标 题: NIW RFE Letter 求助!
: 发信站: BBS 未名空间站 (Mon Feb 11 22:10:24 2013, 美东)
: NIW 被RFE了,内容如下:
: 感觉准备的材料白交了,NIW三个点都要重新证明。请多提宝贵意见,准备DIY干。
: National in scope:
: The evidence submitted do not show how your accomplishments are of
: substantial intrinsic merit, are national in scope or warrant the waiver of
: a labor certificate. With that being said, it appears that the benefit of
