请教一下有三个标准都被director接受,但是在Final Merits Determination 时候判
我看了看判例里头Final Merits Determination 中扣得比较细(这个判例本身是3个标
准中通过两个,拒绝一个的,但是在Final Determination里头有很细节的描述),要
求也很高。比如“However, the accomplishments of the petitioner fall far
of establishing that he "is one of that small percentage who have risen to
the very top of the field of endeavor" and that he "has sustained national
or international acclaim and that his or her achievements have been
recognized in the field of expertise." 这要求明显比那十个标准本身高。
“Although the petitioner met the plain language of the regulation through
his co-authorship and authorship of scholarly articles, he has not
established that the moderate publication of such articles demonstrates a
level of expertise indicating that he is among that small percentage who
have risen to the very top of the field of endeavor. ”
“Many of the petitioner's references' credentials are far more impressive
than those of the petitioner and appear to have risen to a level far above
his own accomplishments. ”
对于这些比那十个标准plain language要求还高的要求,应该在申请中做一些什么准备