guest editor机会【bioinfo方向】
guest editor机会【bioinfo方向】# Immigration - 落地生根
Bioinformatics and Biology Insights杂志要出一本supplement,我是Current
developments in RNA sequence analysis方向的lead guest editor。
现在我需要recruit合适的guest editor。你的工作包含:1:邀约到5篇稿件;2:和其
它editors一起合写一页左右的introductory editorial。有兴趣且方向match的同仁,
Anyone interested in working with me as a guest editor of a supplement the
journal plans to publish within the next 12 months? The topic of the
supplement is Current developments in RNA sequence analysis.
As a guest editor you will be asked to solicit five papers. At a later date
the guest editors will be asked to author the supplement's introductory
Guest editors receive prominent recognition within the supplement's
editorial, on the journal's masthead, and in the press release to announce
publication. Guest editors may publish their own papers in the supplement
and will have the opportunity to work with other leading scholars in the
field. All articles published in the supplement will appear in Pubmed and
other leading databases such as EI.
Optionally, guest editors can receive a letter of reference from the
publisher endorsing their contribution and will have the opportunity to
cultivate their editorial experience; a useful step to later permanent roles
with journals.
If this is of interest please advise me within the next two weekdays.
Further information on the supplement including its aims and scope and the
role of guest editor is available upon request. Please make sure you read
the PDF before deciding to participate.
目前还有一个guest editor名额空缺,准备申请绿卡的童鞋们,有兴趣的请站内联系我哈


【在 w******H 的大作中提到】
: Bioinformatics and Biology Insights杂志要出一本supplement,我是Current
: developments in RNA sequence analysis方向的lead guest editor。
: 现在我需要recruit合适的guest editor。你的工作包含:1:邀约到5篇稿件;2:和其
: 它editors一起合写一页左右的introductory editorial。有兴趣且方向match的同仁,
: 欢迎站内联系我,敬请附上你的简历。
: Anyone interested in working with me as a guest editor of a supplement the
: journal plans to publish within the next 12 months? The topic of the
: supplement is Current developments in RNA sequence analysis.
: As a guest editor you will be asked to solicit five papers. At a later date
: the guest editors will be asked to author the supplement's introductory
