EB1B 求评估# Immigration - 落地生根
1 楼
专业top 20学校 PHD, 现在业界工作
18 papers (only 3 are journal), 1 book chapter
citation: total 83 times (almost 50% self-citation)
Review: 68 times for 18 journals
No media report, 无奖项
one featured article on journal cover page,给一个会议当过committee和session
推荐信 6封 (phd导师+5独立推荐人)
律师建议claim四项:1. original research contributions 2. authorship 3. judge
of the work of others 4.published material in professional publications
written by others about the alien's work in the academic field
现在自己比较担心citation不够多,不足以claim第4条,觉得用来support authorship
比较好。 但是律师坚持claim第4条,想请教大家建议
另外想请问eb1b是只要承认2项以及totality就可以过 还是说claim的所有项都必须被
再有,需要强调alien will continue to work in a research area beneficial to
18 papers (only 3 are journal), 1 book chapter
citation: total 83 times (almost 50% self-citation)
Review: 68 times for 18 journals
No media report, 无奖项
one featured article on journal cover page,给一个会议当过committee和session
推荐信 6封 (phd导师+5独立推荐人)
律师建议claim四项:1. original research contributions 2. authorship 3. judge
of the work of others 4.published material in professional publications
written by others about the alien's work in the academic field
现在自己比较担心citation不够多,不足以claim第4条,觉得用来support authorship
比较好。 但是律师坚持claim第4条,想请教大家建议
另外想请问eb1b是只要承认2项以及totality就可以过 还是说claim的所有项都必须被
再有,需要强调alien will continue to work in a research area beneficial to