Call for reviewers (IEEE CBMS 2015)# Immigration - 落地生根
1 楼
Dear Colleagues,
I am looking for several qualified reviewers which can fulfill review
requests by 2015/03/04. If you believe you are a suitable candidate and also
do have interests about below manuscripts. Please mail your contact
information (e.g., personal website, CV, etc.) to me ([email protected]
/* */)
and indicate interested manuscript no. I will assign relevant articles to
you as soon as I can.
No 1: Mining Symptoms from Internet Communities
Keywords: text classification; depression; social media
No 2: Predicting stress Level from blog
Keywords: machine learning and multivariant time series prediction
Thanks for your considerations!
I am looking for several qualified reviewers which can fulfill review
requests by 2015/03/04. If you believe you are a suitable candidate and also
do have interests about below manuscripts. Please mail your contact
information (e.g., personal website, CV, etc.) to me ([email protected]
/* */)
and indicate interested manuscript no. I will assign relevant articles to
you as soon as I can.
No 1: Mining Symptoms from Internet Communities
Keywords: text classification; depression; social media
No 2: Predicting stress Level from blog
Keywords: machine learning and multivariant time series prediction
Thanks for your considerations!