ME专业,与律师有分歧,诚恳请教各位版友# Immigration - 落地生根
1 楼
As presented above, Dr. xxx has provided threshold evidence for six
categories of evidence listed in 8 CFR §§204.5(h)(3) and (4), namely: 1)
his receipt of lesser nationally or internationally recognized awards for
excellence in the field of endeavor; 2) published material about his
research in trade publications; 3) evidence of his participation as a judge
of the work of others in the same or related fields; 4) evidence of his
original scientific contributions of major significance to the field; 5)
authorship of scholarly articles in leading journals in the field; and 6)
presentation of his work at major national and international conferences.
Therefore, by presenting threshold evidence of at least three criteria in 8
CFR §§204.5(h)(3) and (4), he has fulfilled the first requirement of the
Kazarian formulation.
第二个问题是,我们传统专业引用真的比较少,希望能比较 “Top Research
Universities Faculty Scholarly Productivity” 可是原文链接失效了,不知道哪位
前辈能够给我提供一下,或者还有没有其他方式比较,非常感谢! [email protected]/* */
As presented above, Dr. xxx has provided threshold evidence for six
categories of evidence listed in 8 CFR §§204.5(h)(3) and (4), namely: 1)
his receipt of lesser nationally or internationally recognized awards for
excellence in the field of endeavor; 2) published material about his
research in trade publications; 3) evidence of his participation as a judge
of the work of others in the same or related fields; 4) evidence of his
original scientific contributions of major significance to the field; 5)
authorship of scholarly articles in leading journals in the field; and 6)
presentation of his work at major national and international conferences.
Therefore, by presenting threshold evidence of at least three criteria in 8
CFR §§204.5(h)(3) and (4), he has fulfilled the first requirement of the
Kazarian formulation.
第二个问题是,我们传统专业引用真的比较少,希望能比较 “Top Research
Universities Faculty Scholarly Productivity” 可是原文链接失效了,不知道哪位
前辈能够给我提供一下,或者还有没有其他方式比较,非常感谢! [email protected]/* */