Guest Editor Invitation# Immigration - 落地生根
Special Issue Guest Editor Invitation
Journal of Medical Discovery 邀请Guest Editor组建一期special issue, 最好是
Cancer或者stem cell,其他方向也考虑,有兴趣的可以直接联系微信v533913459541或
写邮件[email protected]。 可以由一个editor组建,也可以两个
guest editors共同组建一期special issue。
1. 作为guest editor,名字会放在杂志网站上Editorial Board Member里
2. 所有稿件免费发表,不收取任何费用
3. JMD上发表的文章都可在google scholar上搜索到,文章里被引用的文献的引用会由
google scholar自动加到相应文章中
About Journal of Medical Discovery
Journal of Medical Discovery (JMD) has already been indexed in CrossRef,
CNKI, Wanfang, Baidu Scholar, ProQuest, CAS American Chemical Society, J-
Gate, WoldCat, Citefactor, Directory Open Access of Scholarly Resources and
several other indexing systems. It is also under evaluation by prestigious
indexing systems affiliated to Elsevier or Thomson Reuters (Currently
Clarivate Analytics).
Journal of Medical Discovery (JMD) is an open access and peer-reviewed
journal released by E-Discovery Publication. It publishes novel findings
quarterly in the field of basic, translational and clinical medicine. JMD is
a Fast Publication journal. It takes only 3 weeks from submission to first
editorial decision (3 days for the initial decision, 10-14 days for peer
review and 3 days editor decision). All the accepted manuscripts will be
accessed freely early online in 7 days. Additionally, all the articles
published on JMD are Free of Charge.
The website of JMD is http://www.e-discoverypublication.com/jmd
Special Issue Guest Editor Invitation
Journal of Medical Discovery 邀请Guest Editor组建一期special issue,有兴趣的
可以直接联系微信v533913459541或 写邮件[email protected]。 可
以由一个editor组建,也可以两个guest editors共同组建一期special issue。
1. 作为guest editor,名字会放在杂志网站上Editorial Board Member里
2. 所有稿件免费发表,不收取任何费用
3. JMD上发表的文章都可在google scholar上搜索到,文章里被引用的文献的引用会由
google scholar自动加到相应文章中
About Journal of Medical Discovery
Journal of Medical Discovery (JMD) has already been indexed in CrossRef,
CNKI, Wanfang, Baidu Scholar, ProQuest, CAS American Chemical Society, J-
Gate, WoldCat, Citefactor, Directory Open Access of Scholarly Resources and
several other indexing systems. It is also under evaluation by prestigious
indexing systems affiliated to Elsevier or Thomson Reuters (Currently
Clarivate Analytics).
Journal of Medical Discovery (JMD) is an open access and peer-reviewed
journal released by E-Discovery Publication. It publishes novel findings
quarterly in the field of basic, translational and clinical medicine. JMD is
a Fast Publication journal. It takes only 3 weeks from submission to first
editorial decision (3 days for the initial decision, 10-14 days for peer
review and 3 days editor decision). All the accepted manuscripts will be
accessed freely early online in 7 days. Additionally, all the articles
published on JMD are Free of Charge.
The website of JMD is http://www.e-discoverypublication.com/jmd
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