2 楼
When researching on mattress, I found this in the warranty specifications.
• No Flip, No Rotate
• 10 year warranty against manufacturer's defects
• No Flip, No Rotate
• 10 year warranty against manufacturer's defects
3 楼
最近刚装的COMCAST 6M, 19.99 6个月的网络服务。 但是无法使用所有的P2P 软件,
包括 ppstream,pplive,emule,flashjet等等。而且还无法使用 cterm。请教有经验
包括 ppstream,pplive,emule,flashjet等等。而且还无法使用 cterm。请教有经验
5 楼
no flip means you don't have to 翻 that mattress. it's most likely a one
sided mattress anyways that you can't turn it over even if you wanted to.
no rotate means you don't have to 转 the mattress, as in move the mattress
so that where your head was is now where your feet land.
it used to be that flipping and rotating were recommended by the manufacture
to prolong the life of your mattress but now there are all new materials
and technologies used in the mattresses that these are no longer needed
【在 b*e 的大作中提到】
: When researching on mattress, I found this in the warranty specifications.
: Warranty
: • No Flip, No Rotate
: • 10 year warranty against manufacturer's defects
: Thanks.
sided mattress anyways that you can't turn it over even if you wanted to.
no rotate means you don't have to 转 the mattress, as in move the mattress
so that where your head was is now where your feet land.
it used to be that flipping and rotating were recommended by the manufacture
to prolong the life of your mattress but now there are all new materials
and technologies used in the mattresses that these are no longer needed
【在 b*e 的大作中提到】
: When researching on mattress, I found this in the warranty specifications.
: Warranty
: • No Flip, No Rotate
: • 10 year warranty against manufacturer's defects
: Thanks.
7 楼
9 楼
12 楼
Thanks for the explanation!
It's Simmons on us-mattress.com.
【在 o********l 的大作中提到】
: no flip means you don't have to 翻 that mattress. it's most likely a one
: sided mattress anyways that you can't turn it over even if you wanted to.
: no rotate means you don't have to 转 the mattress, as in move the mattress
: so that where your head was is now where your feet land.
: it used to be that flipping and rotating were recommended by the manufacture
: to prolong the life of your mattress but now there are all new materials
: and technologies used in the mattresses that these are no longer needed
It's Simmons on us-mattress.com.
【在 o********l 的大作中提到】
: no flip means you don't have to 翻 that mattress. it's most likely a one
: sided mattress anyways that you can't turn it over even if you wanted to.
: no rotate means you don't have to 转 the mattress, as in move the mattress
: so that where your head was is now where your feet land.
: it used to be that flipping and rotating were recommended by the manufacture
: to prolong the life of your mattress but now there are all new materials
: and technologies used in the mattresses that these are no longer needed
13 楼
可以弄个花坛。。。 菜地不是很好管理
15 楼
17 楼
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