dsl的问题# Internet - 有缘千里一线牵
1 楼
What is your opinion of using book written by Calvinists?
Answer: I think if the subject of the book is outside the realm of Calvin
ism they may be okay, but a person should be very discerning. I listened to
a message of a preacher on the radio yesterday for about ten minutes who was
a Calvinist. When I first started listening he was talking about the grace
of God and God's glory. What he said was correct in every way, however he th
en began to intermix grace and God's sovereignty. Most people would have hea
rd his beginning remarks about grace and God's glory and been pleased with w
hat he was saying. However, they probably would not have picked up that his
comments lead to teaching Calvinist theology.
Years ago I purchased a number of John MacArthur's books and stil
l have them. On many subjects he is excellent. I think many times when a Cal
vinist is preaching most people do not really understand what is his theolog
y. Calvinists are very careful not to openly state that they believe that Go
d has decreed to send most of mankind to hell, buy withholding his grace and
mercy and will not allow them to be saved. Further, they also do not state
that they believe grace is irresistible and God has predestined who will be
saved by irresistible grace and who will not.
It bothers me that a man will teach these false ideas, believing t
hat God will not allow most people to be saved and think their belief does n
ot contradict God's nature as a God of love. Further, it bothers me that a m
an will stand in a pulpit and preach that if a man will believe and by faith
receive Jesus Christ alone for their salvation....all the while believing t
hat most who hear his message God has commended to hell. If a preacher belie
ves Calvinist teaching, then he is lying to most of the people in the congre
gation who God will not allow to be saved.
So this is the question? Does a Calvinist really believe God's pla
n of salvation and understand God's grace? If they really believe what Calvi
nism teaches their belief is heresy and they are preaching a false Gospel.
I know they will counter and say that God uses preaching to reach
those he has decreed to be saved so that is why they preach that men should
believe. But honestly, that is a such a foolish defense. I have asked a num
ber of them this question and they have no answer, but that God is sovereign
and can do what he wants. God's sovereignty does not mean He can contradict
I am amazed at how these men who think themselves to be so superi
or intellectually can defend Calvinism. Even though I have been criticized f
or saying this, I honestly believe Calvinism is a cult. In the forefront of
every cult are the teachings of some man. (John Calvin) All cults claim to h
ave superior knowledge and intelligence. All cults deny or ignore clearly st
ated doctrines of God's word. (God's nature to love His creation) Cults refu
se to acknowledge they could be wrong and seriously examine their beliefs by
examining God's word. They seem to be blind to God's truth. All cults have
a cardinal teaching that emphasize above everything thing else (God's sovere
Thanks for writing. I am not sure I helped, but maybe I have aler
ted you to some of the elements of the false teaching that is spreading so r
apidly. 1 Peter 3:14-18
Answer: I think if the subject of the book is outside the realm of Calvin
ism they may be okay, but a person should be very discerning. I listened to
a message of a preacher on the radio yesterday for about ten minutes who was
a Calvinist. When I first started listening he was talking about the grace
of God and God's glory. What he said was correct in every way, however he th
en began to intermix grace and God's sovereignty. Most people would have hea
rd his beginning remarks about grace and God's glory and been pleased with w
hat he was saying. However, they probably would not have picked up that his
comments lead to teaching Calvinist theology.
Years ago I purchased a number of John MacArthur's books and stil
l have them. On many subjects he is excellent. I think many times when a Cal
vinist is preaching most people do not really understand what is his theolog
y. Calvinists are very careful not to openly state that they believe that Go
d has decreed to send most of mankind to hell, buy withholding his grace and
mercy and will not allow them to be saved. Further, they also do not state
that they believe grace is irresistible and God has predestined who will be
saved by irresistible grace and who will not.
It bothers me that a man will teach these false ideas, believing t
hat God will not allow most people to be saved and think their belief does n
ot contradict God's nature as a God of love. Further, it bothers me that a m
an will stand in a pulpit and preach that if a man will believe and by faith
receive Jesus Christ alone for their salvation....all the while believing t
hat most who hear his message God has commended to hell. If a preacher belie
ves Calvinist teaching, then he is lying to most of the people in the congre
gation who God will not allow to be saved.
So this is the question? Does a Calvinist really believe God's pla
n of salvation and understand God's grace? If they really believe what Calvi
nism teaches their belief is heresy and they are preaching a false Gospel.
I know they will counter and say that God uses preaching to reach
those he has decreed to be saved so that is why they preach that men should
believe. But honestly, that is a such a foolish defense. I have asked a num
ber of them this question and they have no answer, but that God is sovereign
and can do what he wants. God's sovereignty does not mean He can contradict
I am amazed at how these men who think themselves to be so superi
or intellectually can defend Calvinism. Even though I have been criticized f
or saying this, I honestly believe Calvinism is a cult. In the forefront of
every cult are the teachings of some man. (John Calvin) All cults claim to h
ave superior knowledge and intelligence. All cults deny or ignore clearly st
ated doctrines of God's word. (God's nature to love His creation) Cults refu
se to acknowledge they could be wrong and seriously examine their beliefs by
examining God's word. They seem to be blind to God's truth. All cults have
a cardinal teaching that emphasize above everything thing else (God's sovere
Thanks for writing. I am not sure I helped, but maybe I have aler
ted you to some of the elements of the false teaching that is spreading so r
apidly. 1 Peter 3:14-18