What are the key features of the EJB technology?Re: How to let two JFrame contact each other?What's the relationship between the Enterprise JaDoesn't EJB technology compete with CORBA?How can I void a cookie, and delete it from the browser?(FAQ)Re: Want to take Java CertificationRe: Client-Server and actionPerformedHow do I make cookies expire after a set time period?(FAQ)How do I read browser cookies from a servlet?(FAQ)Who is EJB technology for?Top Ten Errors Java Programmers Make(10)请教:使用javascript制作online database的方法说说clone咋违反了类继承的原则来的?Re: Java里怎么调用unix下的command?How do I send cookies from a servlet?JAVA 一族Re: how to write a string to a new fileRe: 怎么能是JAVA里的数组开的更大?Re: How can I call another program from Java?What are the transaction management benefits of t