Java questions# Java - 爪哇娇娃
1 楼
I did a very simple in java to check the password. If the password is right,
open album.htm, otherwise, open error.htm.
I was trying to open the htm in a new IE window. But the codes below don't
work. Could you please tell me how to do that? I highly appreciate your help.
var eval_string
function checkText() {
eval_id = document.myform1.elements[0].value
eval_password = document.myform2.elements[0].value
if(eval_id == " " && eval_password == " "){
open album.htm, otherwise, open error.htm.
I was trying to open the htm in a new IE window. But the codes below don't
work. Could you please tell me how to do that? I highly appreciate your help.
var eval_string
function checkText() {
eval_id = document.myform1.elements[0].value
eval_password = document.myform2.elements[0].value
if(eval_id == " " && eval_password == " "){