关于H-1B名额等问题的一个官方连接# JobHunting - 待字闺中
1 楼
答了大部分问题,同时还可以发给HR,HM作为科普材料。不知道man law是不是帖过
November 21, 2000
Changes to the H-1B Program
On October 17 and 30, 2000, President Clinton signed into law several
bills which significantly change the H-1B program as well as the employment
based immigration program. Prominent among these bills is the American Compe
titiveness in the Twenty-First Century Act (AC21).
Q1: H
答了大部分问题,同时还可以发给HR,HM作为科普材料。不知道man law是不是帖过
November 21, 2000
Changes to the H-1B Program
On October 17 and 30, 2000, President Clinton signed into law several
bills which significantly change the H-1B program as well as the employment
based immigration program. Prominent among these bills is the American Compe
titiveness in the Twenty-First Century Act (AC21).
Q1: H