i'll provide FREE career counseling
i'll provide FREE career counseling# JobHunting - 待字闺中
so that noriko will disappear
people who need advice on jobhunting, drop me a message for FREE suggestions
yqwen wanna join me?
发信人: yqwenII (小少爷 de MJ), 信区: JobHunting
标 题: Re: i'll provide FREE career counseling
发信站: BBS 未名空间站 (Fri Dec 14 00:44:23 2007)
hey, your post has become a sticky at the bottom!
can you modify that post to add my account("yqwen" + "yqwenII", well thanks
to Man Law) and "wawaya"? Thanks!
woh, it seems our business is picking up! I was pretty busy just now.
so far, helped 6 people, returned 10 messages, gave out cell phone 3 times.
It feels goooood! that I can be of any help. And it definitely worth it even
I have had such a long day (and many things happened to me, such as being
banned, being picked on by bystanders)
Good! I will keep providing suggestions/opinions, and I will also try to see
if I can help people to build networks, to know more people... yeah maybe
just to know

【在 i*********g 的大作中提到】
: so that noriko will disappear
: people who need advice on jobhunting, drop me a message for FREE suggestions
: yqwen wanna join me?
: 发信人: yqwenII (小少爷 de MJ), 信区: JobHunting
: 标 题: Re: i'll provide FREE career counseling
: 发信站: BBS 未名空间站 (Fri Dec 14 00:44:23 2007)
: hey, your post has become a sticky at the bottom!
: can you modify that post to add my account("yqwen" + "yqwenII", well thanks
: to Man Law) and "wawaya"? Thanks!
